Microwave Squash: Tips From Growing To Preparing

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Have you ever heard of something called a microwave pumpkin? There really is! You can find out how it is grown and processed here.

The microwave pumpkin with the sonorous name Buttercream or the technical designation SC 415 F1 is certainly one of the latest plant innovations in the specialist garden trade. Cut the fruit open, fill it and put it in the microwave is the preparation motto that even tempts children to taste the delicious vegetables!

Due to their size and colour, microwave pumpkins are also ideal as autumn decorations. And once the pumpkins have served their purpose as decoration, they can then be eaten without any problems.

Today I want to show you how easy it is to grow and care for microwave pumpkins. On top of that, I'll also tell you how to properly prepare this delicious pumpkin in the microwave.

Growing Microwave Pumpkins

Like other ornamental pumpkins, you must grow the microwave pumpkin in the germination pot at room temperature from March. Simply press the seeds about 2 to 3 centimeters deep into the soil. The germination time is then about two weeks before tender plants sprout from the soil.

After the ice saints, from mid-May, you can then plant the pumpkin seedlings outdoors. You should keep a row distance of about 50 to 70 centimeters to the next plant. Furthermore, when relocating the microwave pumpkins outdoors, you must bear in mind that the plants are extremely sensitive to cold. So if cooler nights are announced again, you should spread a garden fleece over the tender little plants.

» Tip:
If you find it too difficult to pull the seeds forward, you can also sow the seeds outdoors from mid-May. (Link tip: plant a pumpkin - 2 options)

As far as location is concerned, you should know that pumpkins love a sunny to slightly semi-shady location that is as sheltered as possible from the wind. You can confidently enrich this with compost before spreading the seeds or plants, because pumpkins love a nutrient-rich, preferably humus-rich soil!

Microwave pumpkins rightmaintain

Fight Snails

Still young pumpkin plants are often visited by snails. That's why you should get rid of the snails quickly in the early planting stage, for example by applying slug pellets or setting up natural snail traps.


Furthermore, the yellow-fleshed microwave pumpkin requires a lot of water, which is why you should always water it abundantly. However, you must avoid waterlogging.

Control weeds

You can also pick weeds around the pumpkin plants for the first few days.

» Tip:
As soon as the leaves have spread all over the place, you should put straw underneath, which largely prevents the fruit from rotting.

Harvesting Microwave Pumpkins

The orange-striped microwave pumpkins do not grow very large (about 200 to 300 grams) and can therefore be harvested as early as about 80 days after sowing, i.e. from July to September. When harvesting, however, a stalk should always remain on the pumpkin, as this will extend its shelf life. (Link tip: Harvest the pumpkin - That's how it's done)

» Tip:
You should harvest the first pumpkins as early as possible so that plenty of fruit can still form per vine.

Prepare Microwave Squash

You can halve the pumpkin itself after harvesting, scoop out the seeds on the inside and then cook them in the microwave for about 5 minutes. The vitamin-rich meal is ready!

» Tip:
If you would like to add a delicious touch to the microwave pumpkin, you should fill it with minced meat or cream cheese, for example. You can also cannish the pulp the traditional way, make chutney, etc.

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» 14 popular pumpkin varieties
» Make pumpkins last longer - Here's how!
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