If the lawn mower suddenly no longer starts, there can be various reasons. Find out here what could be the reason and how you can still get the lawnmower started with simple emergency measures.
When the lawnmower suddenly refuses to work[/caption] Mowing the lawn is not one of the nicest garden tasks, but it has to be done after all. Some may even enjoy doing a few laps with the mower. But the fun fizzles out pretty quickly when the lawnmower suddenly won't start anymore. This usually happens in situations where you don't have much time anyway, but the lawn urgently needs a cut.
And now? No panic. The problem is often easy to find and fix yourself. Fortunately, many lawnmowers are still built so that you can carry out the most important maintenance and repairs yourself.
Only when nothing works anymore and even the specialist doesn't have any advice, then it might make sense to consider buying a new one and switching to a more modern device. Newly developed lawnmowers come onto the market every year, as the current lawnmower test on Warenvergleich.de shows.
Lawn mower won't start - That may be the reason
Cause 1: Missing fuel
You might be chuckling to yourself now, but it's just happened too often that this point definitely belongs on this list.
Before you start the lawn mower, you should check whether there is still enough fuel in the tank. If necessary, you simply have to add a little more.
Wrong fuel can also be a reason why the lawn mower no longer starts. Most models fill up with normal petrol, but there are also lawn mowers that have to be filled up with diesel. You are not sure? Then do not attempt any further start attempts. In the worst case, the engine could be damaged. The manual or the operating instructions will give you precise information about the type of fuel your lawn mower needs to be filled with. If you made a mistake here, thenyou should pump out the incorrect fuel and replace it with the correct one as soon as possible.
Cause 2: Defective spark plug
The correct fuel has been added, but the lawn mower still does not want to? Maybe it's the spark plug. This could possibly be defective or very dirty. In order to get precise information about this, you should take a closer look at the spark plug. The manual or the operating instructions will show you exactly where this is located. It also explains in detail how to solve it.
Often it is enough to clean the spark plug with an old cloth (without water!). The contacts in particular should be free of dirt so that a spark can jump over.
If it still doesn't work, it may be broken. Then you have to buy a new one. You will find a detailed description of this on the existing spark plug. It should explicitly be the same so that it also fits in your lawnmower.
Cause 3: Dirty air filter
The lawnmower engine needs clean air to start properly. They have an air filter for that. A lot of dust, dirt and even oil accumulate in it over the years. According to the experts at motorgeraete-stichel.de, all types of filters (paper air filters, foam air filters,…) need an all-round check after around 25 hours of operation (or quarterly). Then they should be cleaned thoroughly or replaced at the latest.
- The dirt in the paper air filter can be easily poured out. A compressor is also ideal for such cleaning work.
- For best results with foam air filters, use hot water and dish soap.
You'll be amazed at what it can do when you start the engine once the air filter is free of dirt and grime.
Cause 4: Jammed Knives
Now you're probably wondering what the knives have to do with the launch attempt. Pay attention! If you pull the starter cord and the blades below are blocked, the engine will not start. Often you can easily tell that the cable is difficult to pull.
In that case you should take a look at the substructure. Often it's just old grass remnants or small stones that get caught somewhere or have simply accumulated over time. Carefully turn the lawnmower sideways and remove any blockages.
But be careful! According to presseportal.de, around 34 percent of all accidents occur in theGarden hurt your fingers. The lawn mower is at the top of the list of causes. In the case of petrol lawn mowers, it is essential that you pull out the ignition plug beforehand and in the case of electric lawn mowers the mains cable. This will prevent the lawn mower from being started during your maintenance and cleaning work.
Cause 5: Too long downtime
The winter was long and the lawnmower was able to enjoy a long break. What has certainly been just as relaxing for you can lead to extreme starting problems for the lawnmower itself. If a lawnmower sits unused for too long, it may not start immediately in the spring and may need several starts.
The problem is often solved if you try the start process a little more often. Some operating instructions even tell you exactly what to do if the lawnmower has had a long break.
Cause 6: Special feature of ride-on mowers
Anyone who owns a lawn tractor can count themselves lucky. This allows large areas to be mown particularly quickly. What you must not forget, however, is that ride-on mowers work in a similar way to a car. It is also powered by a battery. If this is empty, the engine cannot start. So make sure in advance that it is fully operational.
Cause 7: Special feature of electric lawnmowers
Many of the above causes do not apply to electric lawnmowers. But that doesn't mean that starting an electric lawnmower can't sometimes be problematic.
Electricity is essential for an electric lawnmower. Here it can happen that the power cable has a defect or the plug is simply not right in the socket.
If the cable has a defect, contact a specialist. As a layperson, you should definitely stay away from such repairs.