Even our beloved lawn is not immune to diseases and pests. You can find out how to recognize and fight pests in the lawn here.
Diseases and pests
Whether it's a short English lawn or a farmer's meadow - if something is wrong, you can see it and you should take action. We would like to introduce you to the five most common diseases and pests in lawns. Of course, we also give you useful tips on how to combat them.
Pests in the lawn - How to fight them
- Weeds: This is not a disease, but it can damage the lawn, especially when it occurs in large numbers. If weeds only appear sporadically, you can dig them up. It makes sense to aerate the lawn, otherwise you probably won't be able to avoid weedkillers.
- Witch Rings: These cap mushrooms usually appear in the form of rings, the grass around them dies off. The fungi deprive the soil of the valuable substances that the lawn needs to live. A slow-release lawn fertilizer and regular trimming will help here.
- Moss: Annoying and unsightly. Occurs mainly in the shade and in damp places. This should be scarified and fertilized regularly. Adding sand also helps with clay soil.
- Ants: While they are useful animals and should not be destroyed, they can cause damage in lawns and paths. Best move the nest.
- Mole: A cute yet annoying fellow. You can drive them away with Mole Scare. Find out other ways to get rid of a mole here.