When is the compost ready?


If you own compost, you often don't know when it will be ripe. But you can find out with a simple test.

If you have a composting area in your garden and use it regularly, you probably have the best soil far and wide. When composting, however, one often has the problem that one does not know when the compost is ripe and ready to use. But you can find out with a simple test. Take a small sample of the compost and put it in a bowl or flower pot. Now sprinkle cress seeds on it. You should check your sample after about five days.

How do the plants look?
If the plants are strong and green, then the compost is of just the right quality. If, on the other hand, the plants are dying and are yellow instead of green, then the compost is not ready yet. This indicates undigested nutrients. You should either leave it to rest for a while longer or use it for strong vegetable plants, but never for young plants, as they will otherwise not thrive as you would like. You should also rearrange the compost from time to time.