The clematis is a true climbing artist and with its often huge flowers a real feast for the eyes in the garden. It even grows very well in a pot. You can find our planting and care tips here.
Alongside the climbing rose, the clematis is probably one of the most beautiful climbing plants of all. This is not surprising, because the "queen of climbing plants" impresses with a beautiful bloom. She is also a true all-rounder. After all, you can not only green fences, house walls and garages with it, you can also keep it in a bucket. But unlike the rose, which is more robust, more resilient and a little less demanding in comparison, you have to pay attention to a few things when planting a clematis. And there is also a lot to consider when it comes to care.
How to plant clematis correctly
Planting time:
Clematis can basically be planted all year round. However, it is best if you plant the container plants from August to October, as the soil temperature is then optimal. As a result, the roots grow better, which means that the plant gets through the winter much more easily.
Select location:
As far as the choice of location is concerned, the clematis is actually quite undemanding. She doesn't want shade or direct sun, but a mix of both. A partially shaded spot is best.
The soil must also be loose. A clay soil is unsuitable because the water can accumulate in it. Here the clematis would die very quickly and everything was in vain. So it is best to always loosen up heavy soil by filling the bottom 10 centimeters of the planting hole with sand or grit to prevent waterlogging. Good topsoil mixed with older compost is then the best you can offer the clematis. Then add some horn shavings and you're doing everything right. Then you need to do the following:
❶ Place the pot in a water bath for about 10 minutes before planting. In the meantime, you can dig a planting hole twice the size of the plant pot. Then add compost and horn shavings to the soil.
❷ Now carefully take the plant out of the pot and plant it deep enough in the ground that the firstBuds are around 10 centimeters below the ground. This prevents, among other things, an infestation with clematis wilt. If you plant the clematis on a wall trellis, it is advisable to keep a distance of 10 centimeters from the trellis. This allows moisture to dry off better. Otherwise, the clematis always needs a climbing aid.
❸ Now you have to press down the soil well and water it generously. Then it is advisable to apply a layer of bark mulch about 10 centimeters thick to protect the root area from drying out.
❹ Because clematis is a clematis, they are used to the lower part of the plant being shaded. It is best to shade the lower part of the clematis with perennials such as hostas or purple bells.
How to properly care for clematis
Water Clematis:
Because the clematis is a very thirsty clematis, you need to water it regularly. So you have to make sure that the soil never dries up. So keep an eye on the plants, especially in spring and summer.
Fertilize Clematis:
You do not need to fertilize the clematis for the first year. The addition of compost mixed in is completely sufficient. Only in the second year, especially during the growth and flowering period, does the clematis need some fertilizer. It is best to administer an organic or mineral fertilizer in the spring. Horn shavings, for example, are recommended.
Pruning Clematis:
As far as editing is concerned, you have to differentiate between three editing groups:
cut group 1:
Clematis, which bloom from April, form their buds in autumn. So never cut them back in spring, but after flowering, if at all. But you don't necessarily have to use the secateurs either.
cut group 2:
Clematis plants that flower in early June set their buds in spring. You have to cut them in late autumn. You can even cut them back to the height you want.
Intersection group 3:
All clematis that bloom at the end of June and in July produce strong and long new shoots every year. So you don't need the old shoots of the previous year to flower. That's why you can cut them back radically in the fall.
More about: Pruning clematis
Clematis overwinter:
The clematis varieties we sell are usually hardy. So you don't need any special protection. For all other varieties, you mustCover the root area with some brushwood or a reed mat in winter. If you keep your clematis in a bucket, you can leave it outside over the winter. Here, however, a place sheltered from the wind is important.