Keeping trees free of grass - Here's how


We all know the fruit trees that grow in the middle of meadows and bear plenty of fruit. Many hobby gardeners also want this and place a fruit tree in the middle of the lawn. The soil that no longer has any grass after planting the tree is then thoroughly sprinkled with grass seed.

After all, the lawn should reach up to the tree trunk. If you do this, don't be surprised if the tree doesn't grow the way you want it to.

Roots need nutrients

It's because of the grass. A young tree that is not yet properly rooted needs all the nutrients the soil can provide. Now, when grass is sown, these nutrients don't reach the roots.

Create a tree disc

This means that you should create a so-called tree disk around the tree. No other plants or grass may grow at least 50 to 70 centimeters around the tree trunk, but there must be bare earth here. Nutrients and water can thus reach the tree roots better. If the tree is well established after a few years, lawn can be sown up to the trunk.