Cyprus grass: recognizing and combating diseases and pests

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Cyprus grass is not demanding, but needs certain care for proper growth. If you are not careful here, you risk being infected by pests.

Cyprus grass (Cyperus) is quite robust and the tropical plant can also be cultivated well in our latitudes, but preferably as a houseplant. The plants need a lot of moisture and a light and warm location. Diseases rarely occur in the water palm.

However, the Cyprus grass can become a victim of various pests. It is not uncommon for a pest infestation to be traced back to incorrect care. Pest infestation occurs more frequently in the winter months.

An overview of possible malware

Cyprus grass can be attacked by the following pests:

  • Thrips
  • spider mites
  • scale insects
  • Mourning Gnats

Thrips - the voracious thrips

These insects are also known as thrips because of the elongated fringes of hair on the edges of the wings. This insect order consists of around 5,500 species worldwide. In Germany alone there are more than 200 species. Thrips are also known as blister feet. This is due to the end phalanges of the feet, which have flap-like extensions that bulge out like a balloon when pressure is applied. This improves the insect's ability to adhere to smooth surfaces. The vernacular has also produced the terms thunderfly or thunderbird.

The thrips is only about three millimeters in size and can therefore hardly be seen with the naked eye. When the animals are adults, they have four narrow wings, which are rarely used. Some species are completely missing the wings. The larvae of the thunderfly are light green and almost transparent.

Thrips are plant suckers. Individual cells of the epidermis are punctured and sucked out. The plant cell loses its color and appears silvery. This initially remains undetected. If the thrips infestation is more advanced, the plant loses its willingness to grow and the stems and shoots become stunted.

What to do?

Atadvanced infestation, it has proven useful to shower the plant thoroughly with lukewarm water. To prevent the pests from gathering on the potting soil, the planter must first be placed in a garbage bag and sealed watertight. The underside of the leaf should not be neglected. The treatment must be repeated several times so that all generations of thrips are completely removed.

» Tip: If only individual leaves are affected, they can also be treated with water to which a little washing-up liquid has been added.

❍ Herbal remedies:

  • Garlic sauce
  • Onion broth
  • Stinging nettle lye
  • Neem Oil

The brew should steep for 24 hours and can then be used to spray the plant.

❍ Use natural predators:

  • Lacewing Larvae
  • Flower Bugs
  • predatory mites

Spider mites - the agile plant pests

Spider mites are among the most common pests that spread in the house and garden. There are over a thousand species of these tiny animals worldwide. In our latitudes, the common spider mite is of concern.

Because they are less than a millimeter in size, the little creatures can hardly be seen with the naked eye. Spider mites are egg-shaped and turn greenish, brownish or reddish with the seasons. The most striking thing is the red color that predominates during the winter months, which is why the insects owe their nickname red spiders.

The spider mites prefer to nest on the underside of the leaves. The leaves are punctured with their pointed mouthparts and the plant sap is sucked out. At first, the infestation will hardly be noticed, because only small light spots appear on the upper side of the leaves. If the infestation progresses, the spider mite can also be recognized by a net-like web that covers the leaves. The leaves gradually lose their colour, dry up and eventually fall off.

» Tip: High temperatures and low humidity encourage infestation with spider mites.

What to do?

Since the infestation cannot be recognized at first, it is advisable to check the plants regularly, especially in the winter location. If you check the underside of the leaves with a magnifying glass, the red colored spider mites will be particularly noticeable in winter. In the early stages of infestation, it may be sufficient to treat the water palm with a sharp jet of water. The procedure should be repeated several timesbe repeated daily.

Heavily affected shoots should be removed. The waste must not be disposed of in the compost. If possible, avoid using chemical pesticides. The trade offers alternative products based on rapeseed oil or potash soap.

» Tip: Plant sticks against pest infestation are particularly practical.

Scales - the armored plant deterrent

Scale insects are a group of insects that often infest plants that are too dry in winter. The larvae, which are about two millimeters in size, can be recognized by their shell-like shield. Underneath are suction tools that are anchored in the plant.

» Tip: Because of their colouration, scale insects are well adapted to the leaves and are therefore difficult to spot.

The infestation can be recognized by some typical features:

✔ leaf discoloration
✔ stunted leaves and flowers
✔ buds shrink and won't open
✔ woolly webs, similar to spider mites

What to do?

If the infestation is detected, the plant must be separated from other green plants immediately. Scale insects can quickly spread to neighboring plants. If you want to collect the pests by hand, you should note that the scale insects must not be scraped off, as this may cause the larvae to spread evenly over the plant. It is better to use tweezers here. The scale insects can be treated individually with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol. The plants should then be rinsed thoroughly.

❍ Home remedies for scale insects:

  • Stinging nettle manure
  • Garlic sauce
  • curd soap solution
  • Tobacco Brew

❍ Use natural predators:

  • Ladybug
  • lacewing larvae
  • Ball Gnats

Fungus gnats - the moisture-loving insects

Pisces gnats are mosquito species that can be found in Europe in more than 600 species. The mosquitoes have dark colored bodies. The infestation is particularly evident during the larval stage, because the larvae feed mainly on the roots. Young Cyprus grasses in particular are at risk because they still have a very fine root system. Fungus gnats prefer to breed in humid environments, making the water palm a preferred host plant.

You acknowledge an infestationa lacking and stunted growth. When watering, the mosquitoes can be observed flying up. The potting soil is interspersed with small black and white larvae.

What to do?

If the potting soil is covered with gravel or quartz sand, the fungus gnats will not find the preferred climate despite the water palm being wet. Matches buried with their heads in the ground release the sulfur into the soil with the irrigation water and this leads to the death of the larvae.

❍ Home remedies for fungus gnats

  • Vinegar
  • Coffee grounds
  • Carrot Juice
  • Nicotine

Yellow stickers have also proven their worth. Mosquitoes are attracted by the yellow coloring of the panels and stick to the specially treated material.

How can maintenance mistakes be avoided?

  • continuous hydration
  • frequent spraying
  • warm location
  • Do not place the plant too deep in the water
  • protected location
  • avoid dry heating air in winter