Vegetables are he althy! That's what they always say. There are also enough types of vegetables that are poisonous, at least when they are raw. You can find out what these are here.
Even as a small child, it is drummed into you that you should eat a lot of vegetables because they are very he althy. But what many people forget is that there are also some strains that contain toxins. However, these varieties are not inherently poisonous, but only in the raw state.In a smoothie, for example, only raw foods usually end up. If you don't know which of these are poisonous or not, you not only risk diarrhea or vomiting, but also severe cramps and even collapse in some cases. Who wants that? To keep that from happening, here are the vegetables you should never eat raw.
Poisoning from raw beans
Quite apart from the fact that raw beans don't taste good: three to ten uncooked beans, regardless of whether they are green, yellow or purple varieties, are enough for you to feel the effects quite considerably.
The protein phasin is contained in bush beans and runner beans. It leads to cramps, vomiting, diarrhea and fever, and in the worst case even to circulatory collapse. The insidious thing about phasin is that it goes straight from the gut into the blood, causing red blood cells to clump together. However, boiling the beans prevents the effects of phasin, as it is temperature sensitive.
Depending on the thickness, you should cook the beans for at least 10 to 15 minutes, then the protein is harmless. For recipes with shorter cooking times, for example in a wok, the vegetables should be pre-cooked.
Raw Potatoes: Look closely!
Raw potatoes without green spots are not necessarily dangerous, but they are not considered properly edible either. The starch contained has a negative effect on the stomach when uncooked.
The green spots and germs that often form on potatoes as a result of incorrect storage are much more critical. This is solanine, which is not tolerated by humans. Cut out the green spotsgenerously, then you can process the potatoes as usual. If the green areas show up inside the potato, throw the potato away.
Green tomatoes - always harmful?
Tomatoes are usually ripe when they are red. There are often green areas around the base of the stem that you simply cut off. This is again solanine, which is not destroyed by cooking. Solanine causes headaches, nausea, cramps, and blurred vision. However, these symptoms only occur when large amounts are consumed. However, since green tomatoes taste slightly bitter, it can be assumed that large quantities will not be consumed.
Tomatoes from your own garden continue to ripen well indoors when the weather in autumn isn't playing along. However, there are also tomato varieties that remain green when ripe.
Only eat aubergines when they are ripe
Like potatoes and tomatoes, aubergines belong to the nightshade family. There is solanine in unripe fruit, so keep your distance until the aubergines are really ripe. But that won't be difficult for you, since the bitter taste alone will keep you from eating.
Eggplants with a deep purple color are perfectly edible because the solanine content is lower. So if you just let unripe aubergines ripen a little longer, then you don't need to worry.
Rhubarb: raw and sour makes you ill
Rhubarb contains oxalic acid. The acid disappears during cooking. Raw rhubarb causes vomiting and circulatory problems. Anyone who eats uncooked rhubarb often and in large quantities can develop bladder and kidney stones. This is because oxalic acid binds certain minerals. If the rhubarb is blanched, the acid content is already reduced. It is better to throw away the blanching water and not use it again.
Pumpkins and zucchini: beware of bitter taste
Zucchini and squash are usually eaten raw ( although this makes little sense with hard squash flesh). So-called cucurbitacins can be contained in some types of pumpkin and in zucchini, or they can form when they overlap. The poison remains even after cooking, it is heat-resistant and not water-soluble. But you can recognize it by its very bitter taste - never eat it, neither raw nor cooked! Cucurbitacins can cause death. Make before cooking and eatingDefinitely a taste test. A small piece is enough. If you notice a bitter taste, throw it away!