The three most common diseases of roses


Rose, the queen of the garden, is unfortunately susceptible to disease. The 3 most common rose diseases and remedies can be found in this post.

Roses are beautiful and an ornament in any garden. But roses need a lot of care and are prone to diseases. Here is a small list of the most common diseases of roses:

  1. Powdery mildew: The coating is white and mainly affects shoot tips and young leaves.
  2. Rose rust: Yellow, then also brown to black spots on the upper side of the leaf, small dark red to black spots on the underside of the leaf, this is how the rose rust manifests itself.
  3. Sooty mildew: Large, black spots affect older leaves in particular.

Pesticides naturally help against all these diseases. But you can do something about it beforehand. A well-ventilated location is particularly important. This means that the rose should always be pruned back well. That alone minimizes the risk of the disease many times over.

Then regular fertilization is of course just as important as watering, which should never be done from above. The more leaves you wet, the more vulnerable the rose becomes.