Young plane trees require quite intensive care because they are not yet well rooted. Older plants, on the other hand, require almost no maintenance.

The plane tree (Platanus hispanica) is one of the very old tree species that have been around since the Neolithic Age. The deciduous tree is very popular today and can often be found in parks and avenues. It also attracts attention with its maple-shaped leaves and beautiful bark. Some gardeners are enthusiastic about the fact that the deciduous tree grows very luxuriantly and at the same time is easy to care for. The conditions have to be right in order to be able to plant the tree in the first place. Because it requires a lot of space and a deep floor. However, once the planting has been successful, the care is usually crowned with success. Because the tree does not make many demands.
What is important for proper tree care?
On the one hand, as a deciduous tree, the plane tree needs a suitable location in order to thrive. But humus-rich soil is also very important for the deciduous tree. If the location and soil match the needs of the tree, you can enjoy a hardy deciduous tree that is a real feast for the eyes, especially in spring, summer and autumn. Nevertheless, one should know how to properly water and fertilize the tree, which is especially important for younger trees of this type. The correct pruning of the tree also needs to be understood so that its growth is not impaired. But what exactly is there to consider in these areas?
First of all you should know more about the tree itself:
- becomes up to 35 meters high
- creates a lush crown
- loves the sun, doesn't tolerate complete shade
- Deciduous tree is known to shed both foliage and bark in the fall
- Leaf blotch is the most common disease of plane trees
- Hardwood deciduous tree
- roots itself deep, which is why a deep location is needed in terms of soil
Care for young plant

Care for older plane trees
If the tree is already a few years old and is no longer considered a young plane tree, it can be left to its own devices. As with other trees, watering will no longer be necessary over time, as the deciduous tree draws moisture from the ground itself through its deep penetrating roots. The gardener can therefore confidently do without regular watering. But it also doesn't hurt to give a little help in the event of severe drought over a longer period of time. The fertilizing can also be reduced a little so that in the spring you only add additional nutrients to the soil. Otherwise, the plane tree actually has everything it needs for good growth.
Plane cutting?

Winter young plane tree
The plane tree is usually a hardy deciduous tree that does not need much help against frost or cold temperatures. While older trees of this species make it through the winter well on their own, this is not the case with young plantsHowever, this is different: They should be very well protected, especially in the first three years, and still have to get used to spending the winter alone. It is therefore worth putting fleece and brushwood aside for this purpose in order to keep the surface of the earth warmer for root maintenance. Bark mulch and compost are also good for this, as they deliver nutrients to the roots, which are revived in spring.
If you decide to have a plane tree in your garden, you have to invest a lot of time in caring for young plants. Once the plant is rooted deep enough, it can survive most of the time without your help.
Merits of the plane tree
✔ is not very demanding and requires no special care
✔ in old age the handsome tree takes care of itself
✔ Sycamore tolerates pruning very well, provided they are made at the right time
✔ is content with a sunny, generous spot
Disadvantages of the plane tree
✘ Young plants need to be watered and fertilized more often
✘ young plane trees must be covered with fleece or brushwood for the winter
✘ Falling leaves and bark require a lot of work in autumn
✘ radical cuts only possible in winter