Once in a while it may be necessary to replant the Tree of Life. This is relatively easy with young plants, but a little more difficult with older specimens or Thuja hedges.

In addition to reasons such as giving up the garden plot in question or moving to another apartment, the plant itself can also show us that transplanting is probably the best solution. The biggest care mistake in connection with Thujen is probably the wrong location. If the trees of life are permanently in the shade, they will acknowledge this with stunted growth and discoloration of the foliage. Transplanting to a sunny location is probably the best solution here and should be done as soon as possible so that the plant does not suffer even greater damage over time and eventually dies. Yellow and white variegated species that are particularly intense in color require a sunny location so that the colors can be shown to their best advantage.
It is also important to ensure a wind-protected location. A harsh wind combined with dry soil could be the end of it, especially for young plants. A site that is too dry can be just as unsuitable as heavy and swampy soil.
Leaf scorch is particularly common in Thuja species with yellow and white variegated foliage. If the leaves change color, the location was also chosen unfavorably. These species of the tree of life like to be in the sun, but should be protected from the blazing midday sun. A wind-protected location should also be chosen.
Transplanting older thujas - yes or no?
Transplanting younger plants is relatively uncomplicated. If a plant or hedge has been in one location for many years, the effort should be carefully considered. The trees of life have a strong and stable root system. Using the spade will weaken the plants. Root parts will be torn off and some bare spots will be visible at the new location. It will therefore take some time before the usual picture is restored. The effort required to dig up and transport the plants should also not be underestimated. With older plants, buying new and replanting is often the better solution.
When is itright time to transplant?
To give the plants enough time to settle into their new location and form new shoots and roots, transplanting should be done in spring. If you reach for the spade in autumn, you risk that the plants, weakened by the transplanting, will not have regenerated in time before winter and will be damaged in the cold season. If it is not possible to set the date for spring due to moving or giving up the garden, the plants definitely need winter protection. Reading tip: Overwinter Thuja - Tips for overwintering outdoors and in tubs.
The ideal choice of location and soil
Before the actual transplanting, the right location has to be chosen. You should choose a sunny location. In order to avoid burning the leaves, the Thuja must not stand in the blazing midday sun. The plant also does not tolerate a location that is too windy.
The substrate should be rich in nutrients and well drained. Clay soil is ideal. The plants thrive very well in acidic or slightly alkaline soils. The pH should not exceed 8. It is best to cover dry soil with bark mulch so that the moisture can stay in the soil longer.
How to properly transplant thuja
Before the plant is transplanted, it should be ensured that it feels comfortable in its new location and can grow well. In order to prepare the plant for the upcoming stress of transplanting, you should also water the tree of life particularly well in the days before. You can then do the following:
- Select location.
- Dig a planting hole twice the size of the root ball.
- Loosen the subsoil and remove stones, roots and weeds.
- Put compost, horn shavings or manure in the planting hole.
- Put the Thuja carefully in the planting hole.
- Shake the plant gently to avoid air pockets.
- Close the planting hole.
- Tread the ground.
- Water the plant vigorously.
- Spread bark mulch on dry soil.
Care must be taken when removing the plant from its old location so that the roots are not permanently damaged. Carefully dig up the plants and transport them to the new location by the root ball. If the thuja is to be transported over a longer distance, you should pack the root ball in a bag or in garden fleece so that it is not damaged and the soil sticks to the plantstays.
What to do after transplanting?
Now you need to check the floor regularly. In addition to regular watering, you must also ensure that the hot sun or dry winds do not damage the foliage. It is a good idea to occasionally spray the plants with a garden hose. However, this should only be done in the evening hours and never in direct sunlight. In the first few weeks after transplanting, watering should be done at least three times a week. Later you can reduce to two waterings per week.
After about half a year, the plants will have gotten used to their new location. Any discoloration of the leaves should also have disappeared by then. You should still not neglect watering and do it regularly. But always be careful, because waterlogging can lead to the loss of the thujas in the first few weeks at the new location in the case of transplanted thuja plants. So here's another reading tip: Planting and caring for Thuja - That's how it's done.
Transplant Thujen - advantages and disadvantages at a glance
+ Location selection can be improved
+ Soil can be improved
+ Garden transformation possible
+ Plants do not have to be left behind when moving
- Stress for the plants
- Expensive for older specimens
- Hedges become bare and appear less dense