The Japanese paper bush is a fascinating ornamental shrub that flowers bright yellow as early as March. But only if you pay attention to a few things when it comes to maintenance.
Some gardeners refer to the rare, magnificent bush with its bright yellow flowers that burst in early spring as the Japanese Paper Flower. This is not entirely correct, however, since the bush is confused with flowers that are created in the Japanese art of paper folding.
The Japanese Paper Shrub (Edgeworthia chrysantha), more commonly known as Mitsumata, is still a fascinating ornamental shrub. The paper bush bears its name because fine, high-quality paper has been made from its bark in Japan since ancient times.
Portrait of Japanese Paper Shrub
The Japanese paper bush can grow 70 to 100 centimeters high. Its last year's shoots are already decorated with umbel-shaped flower buds in late autumn. In March, even before the leaves sprout, the buds unfold in countless yellow flowers that smell strongly of perfume. In mild regions with a less severe winter, the flowers can even form as early as February. At the end of the pile, dry purple-green drupes develop on the individual inflorescences.
The rather inconspicuous summer dress of the bush consists of narrow leaves that are dark green on top and grey-green on the underside. The green fades in autumn. The foliage will then turn yellow and fall off.
This is what the right location for the Japanese paper bush looks like
It is best to choose a wind-protected, warm location for the spring-blooming ornamental shrub. It can be in full sun, but will also tolerate a spot in partial shade. Because the paper bush has already put on its flower buds in autumn, you should definitely place it in a wind-protected location. Strong wind can blow away the umbeled flower buds. Be sure to choose your location carefully. Because once the shrub has grown, it does not tolerate transplanting well. Its fleshy roots are easily injured.
Planted as a solitaire, the flowering shrub really comes into its own. That canbe at the entrance to the house or on a small ledge in front of the terrace.
The floor should be like this
The Japanese paper bush thrives best in moist, well-drained and humus-rich soil. It is advantageous if the garden soil is also slightly acidic. A location on the edge of a bog bed would therefore be very suitable for the shrub. You can also prepare the soil for your paper bush with rhododendron soil.
How to properly care for the Japanese paper bush
The early-flowering ornamental shrub is easy to care for. Still, you should respect the minimum requirements to protect the Japanese paper bush.
Water your enchanting rarity regularly during dry periods, because the ornamental shrub is very sensitive to drought.
Nutrients for the plant are supplied to the soil from the mulch decomposed into humus. You should therefore spread a layer of mulch 5 to 10 centimeters thick around your paper bush after planting. Then it is enough if you repeat this every year in autumn. In the medium term, this will also improve the soil for your flowering shrub.
Pruning or pruning, as you know it from other shrubs, is not necessary with the Japanese paper bush. You can cautiously thin out the bush to remove dry shoots. A radical cut is not recommended at all, because the plant would resent it.
A mulch layer of leaves and needle brushwood protects against cold and frost. While Spring Harbinger is a hardy bush, you should still protect its fleshy roots from the biting cold of winter.
Like witch hazel, the Japanese paper bush is an early flowering shrub. However, the paper bush is only 70 to 100 centimeters high. On the other hand, its yellow umbel flowers are quite handsome and have a strong scent. The shrub prefers a wind-protected, sunny location and moist, well-drained and humus-rich soil. This can also be slightly acidic.
The Japanese paper bush is watered regularly during drier periods, as it is sensitive to drought. A winter protection in the root area should also be attached.