Goldliguster - planting, caring for and pruning

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Whether as a hedge or as a solitary plant: Goldliguster always cuts a fine figure in the garden. In addition, it thrives almost anywhere and with little care.

Golden privet (Ligustrum ovalifolium 'Aureum') is a cultivar of the species Oval-leaved privet (Ligustrum ovalifolium) in the genus Ligustrum (Ligustrum). The plant, which originally comes from East Asia, owes its name to the golden yellow to green leaves, which form an attractive contrast to the white inflorescences in summer. The gold privet is equally suitable as a privacy hedge, potted plant, individual flowering shrub in the garden or for planting on graves.

Flowers, Leaves and Fruits

Goldliguster bear filigree, panicle-shaped flowers that reach a length of five to ten centimetres. With their milky white colour, they are an enchanting sight during the flowering period from late June to late July. The evergreen, ovate leaves of the gold liguster are golden yellow at the edges and pale green to dark green in the middle. They grow opposite and are about 5 centimeters long. In autumn, the Goldliguster also bears blue-black, pea-sized fruits. These are not edible for humans, but serve as food for many bird species.


The growth of the gold privet is tightly upright. In the case of single trees, the plants can also assume a slightly bulbous, vase-like shape. The bushes shoot up 20 to 40 centimeters per year! Fully grown Goldliguster even grow up to 250 centimeters high and up to 130 centimeters wide.

Location and Ground

Goldliguster thrives best in full sun, but can also cope with partial shade. With reduced solar radiation, however, the formation of flowers and fruits decreases a little. In addition, the color of the leaves in the penumbra changes more and more into the green area.

The gold privet is very adaptable with regard to the nature of the soil. The shrubs feel most comfortable on loose, nutrient-rich and humus-rich soil. But they also thrive on sandy or loamy soil. If the soil is very firm, it is advisable to mix in plenty of garden soil to ensure unhindered water drainageguarantee. This is because standing water in the soil can lead to root rot.

Areas of application

Its evergreen foliage and fast, dense growth make the gold privet the ideal hedge plant. A well-grown privet hedge is impenetrable for looks and offers excellent wind protection if the height is appropriate. In addition, many bird species such as blackbirds, finches or warblers use the privet as a breeding ground. The feathered garden dwellers also gratefully accept the food supply in the form of the blue-black berries in autumn.

The wind and privacy protection properties of the Goldliguster can also be used on the terrace, because the plants can be cultivated in tubs without any problems. Goldliguster are also well suited for grave design. Due to the rapid growth, however, regular pruning is essential.

Important care measures


Young gold liguster bushes must be watered regularly. A mulch layer of leaves, lawn clippings or grass helps to retain moisture. Older plants, on the other hand, only need water when it is very dry and hot. So, during the summer months, reach for the watering can about twice a week.


It is best to fertilize your gold privet twice a year. One at the end of March and the other at the beginning of August. At these times you should provide the Goldliguster with a slow-release fertilizer.


In order for the gold privet to grow bushy, you have to cut it regularly. The first time in spring before budding. Then you should remove all frozen and crossing shoots. In addition, you can now cut the gold privet into shape. After flowering, the second pruning should be done. Proceed in exactly the same way as with the first one.