Do you love unusual flowers? Then you should plant hollyhocks in your garden. They look great and require very little maintenance.
Individual hollyhocks can reach an impressive height of up to two meters, whereby their lush flowers really bring this growth height to bear. In addition, the hollyhocks, which belong to the mallow family, are now available in many flower colors (white, yellow, shades of pink and red, violet, sometimes even with filled calyxes), which can then also be used to create pretty arrangements in the flower bed.
The hollyhock is usually sold in garden stores as a biennial plant, although it only flowers in the second year. But specialized dealers now also have perennial hollyhocks ready for garden cultivation.
By the way, you can make a tea from the petals of the hollyhock, which has a healing effect on coughs and sore throats.
Selection of location and cultivation
Hollyhocks love nutrient-rich soil in a sunny location. The location should also be protected from the wind and rain as much as possible, because too much rain and strong wind can quickly cause the individual stems to break off. Especially since these have to bear the burden of the flowers anyway.
Note from the outset, however, that hollyhocks will always reproduce by themselves if you don't cut them off. However, you can influence this process by opening the calyx, stealing the seed and spreading it back into the ground in a targeted manner - rake in briefly and water vigorously!
Hollyhocks should be replanted every year to ensure a continuous bloom.
Proper care for hollyhocks
» Fertilize:
Especially in spring - until the flowers are fully developed - the hollyhock needs regular fertilizer, which supports its optimal growth and ensures an impressive development of flowers from July to September.
» Loosen up the soil:
When caring for the roses, you should also make sure that the soil around the individual plant shoots is always nice and loose, because theHollyhock does not like soil hardening.
» casting:
In addition, it needs moisture that is as even as possible, which is why it should be watered at least twice a day during longer dry periods.
Spreading bark mulch around the hollyhock ensures perfect moisture retention.
» Tie hollyhock stalks:
Tall hollyhocks can break off easily, but tying them to a stick is recommended. Small bamboo tubes are usually sufficient, which you put into the ground in advance and to which you can then loosely tie the hollyhock stalks.