You certainly remember love pearls from your childhood. But do you also know the so-called love pearl bush? Read here how it is cultivated and cared for.
In spring the plant is quite inconspicuous
In spring, a love pearl bush may seem a little inconspicuous at first. It is covered with green, pointed leaves. But from July to August, delicate pink to purple flowers form, which are often visited by bees and bumblebees. And as early as September, almost unnatural-looking purple berries adorn the shrub. These even last into winter. At the same time, the leaves turn orange to yellow and form a particularly great contrast to the purple berries.
Caution: The berries are highly toxic so children should be kept away from them!
» Location:
The shrub plant, which originated in China, can now also be grown in our latitudes without any problems if the climatic conditions are moderate. A sunny location that is as sheltered as possible from the wind is ideal.
» Size of the plant:
The love pearl bush, also known as the Chinese beauty fruit, achieves a growth height of between 2 and 3 meters and a width of up to 2 meters .
» Plant two to three shrubs next to each other:
It is advisable to plant two to three shrubs of this type next to each other so that the flowers are better pollinated and thus can bear far more berries in winter (berry formation only from the 2nd year of planting). When planting (ideally in spring), care should be taken to loosen the soil as much as possible. When planting the shrub, water the root ball well.
» Watering:
The love pearl bush always needs constant moisture, which is why it has to be watered sufficiently on particularly warm sunny days.
» Pruning:
In the winter months, on the other hand, it freezes back heavily, but you don't have to worry about that. Because in the spring new, strong shoots of fresh green form again and ensure its splendor again. Cut back the shrub very sparingly, if at allit freezes off badly in the winter months anyway.
» Protect the shrub in winter:
It is also advisable to pile up the trunk with compost or leaves or straw in the winter months in order to protect the shrub . Especially when strong onsets of winter are to be feared.