Planting caraway - Here's how it's done

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There are some spices that no garden should be without. This includes, for example, cumin. Read here how to plant caraway seeds in your garden.

Caraway is one of the easy-care types of spice

Many ancient records show that caraway is probably the oldest spice on earth. The caraway, which grows to a height of approx. 1 meter, is particularly popular for seasoning hearty dishes in order to make them more digestible. In our regions, for example, caraway is often used to refine delicious fried potatoes or spiced bread.

» Tip:
Caraway tea, caraway schnapps or caraway oil are particularly effective for severe abdominal pain and flatulence!

Since caraway not only tastes very good, but also works wonderfully against abdominal pain and flatulence, it is best to always have it at home. You can also easily plant it yourself. All you have to do is observe the following points.

Planting caraway - Here's how it's done


The biennial caraway plant is one of the easy-care types of spices and grows almost everywhere in our country. When choosing a location, however, you should note that caraway prefers moist soil. The location can also be sunny, but also moderately semi-shady. However, never plant the caraway in pure sandy soil, as this dries out too quickly.

» Tip:
You should also make sure that you plant the caraway a little bit sheltered from the wind, because that way it can survive the winter frost better.

Caraway seeds are sold in every garden store and can be sown thinly about 1.5 to 2 centimeters deep in the ground. The best time for this is March to mid-April. Alternatively, you can also sow the caraway as a follow-up crop of e.g. cress (end of July to August).

» Tip:
You should then treat (fertilize) the soil with compost first. Let this settle for about 2 weeks and only then sow the caraway seeds.


Cumin is a fairly robust, hardy herb that is usually grown from April to June of the second yearblooms. However, during short periods of drought, like other herbs in the garden, you should water caraway regularly.

You can fertilize the caraway by working in compost, animal manure or cow dung pellets around the plant in autumn. Alternatively, you can of course also use a basic fertilizer.

If you have planted the caraway seeds in soil that is low in lime, then you should also work lime into the soil.


In the summer months, the caraway fruit slowly turns brown. This is a sign that it can be harvested. You simply have to cut them off.

After harvesting, you have to hang the caraway in bundles to dry. Only when the bundles are really dry can you grate the cumin seeds and store them in spice jars.