Growing parsley – How it's done

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Crispy or flat, parsley is an herb that should not be missing in any kitchen. So here's an explanation of how you can grow parsley.

Parsley has a high vitamin C content

Housewives and hobby cooks use the lush green parsley with its wonderful aroma as a matter of course in a wide variety of dishes. Parsley is very popular with many types of potato dishes (e.g. in potato salad, as parsley potatoes, etc.), as a seasoning in salads, as pesto and as a decoration on the menu plate, etc. Which is why parsley is not used in any herb garden, in any vegetable patch and should not be missing on any kitchen herb island.

So that your parsley always thrives, we would like to show you what you should consider when growing, caring for and harvesting the parsley.


Like many other herbs, parsley is often sold in specialist shops as a perennial plant and can be planted in practically any nutrient-rich location that is as partially shaded as possible. You can also keep the parsley in plant pots on a window sill.

You can also sow the seeds of parsley (a much cheaper option) in lush form from February on the windowsill or outdoors after the frosty days. Lush because the parsley usually only grows very slowly. So always sow a large quantity of parsley.

By the way:

Did you know that parsley, which has a diuretic and digestive effect, was used as a medicinal plant in the past and that it helps against spring tiredness?


You should loosen the soil around the parsley with a rake from time to time. The spice plant also needs water regularly. It even loves an evenly moist soil. However, you should definitely avoid waterlogging, otherwise the parsley can quickly shrink!

You can also fertilize the parsley a little in spring, provided you have not enriched the soil with humus. Early fertilization is generally recommended for potted plants.


The parsley is harvested (mainly onlythe leaves) usually from April to October. You can then either eat the herb fresh or use it dried throughout the winter months. An aromatic tea can also be prepared from dried parsley leaves.