Mushroom - cultivation and care

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If you like to eat mushrooms, you should definitely plant mushroom herbs, because they have a great mushroom aroma. Here are our tips for cultivation and care.

Mushroom herb is still relatively unknown to us

Unfortunately, the aromatic mushroom herb is still relatively unknown in our gardens. Although its extremely nutritious leaves have an excellent mushroom aroma and not only serve as a spice, but can even be eaten raw.

» Our tip:

Let the mushroom herb cook briefly at the end of the cooking process, or use the herb to refine salads.


Buy mushroom herb:

Currently, you can only buy cuttings or whole plant sticks of the mushroom herb in well-stocked specialist shops. Of course, you can also conveniently order this herbal plant online.

Location and ground:

The mushroom herb, which actually comes from Papua New Guinea, should be grown on soil that is as humus-rich and slightly moist as possible. You should prefer a semi-shaded location, because the leaves only grow moderately if the sun is too strong. The same applies, of course, to the pitch in the shade.

» Tip:

You can then propagate the mushroom herb by dividing larger rootstocks.


Winter mushroom herb:

Mushroom loves warmth, which is why it only begins to grow from around 10 degrees outside temperature. On the other hand, it quickly loses its leaves again at freezing temperatures. You must therefore protect the mushroom herb outdoors well during the winter months. During this time, you can also place the plant in a frost-free, temperate room that also has a little daylight.

Water mushroom:

You must always keep the root area of the mushroom herb moist. But beware: You should definitely avoid waterlogging.

Fertilize mushroom:

In autumn, you must also work in fresh compost around the mushroom herb. In spring you can also give the herbal plant a little complete fertilizer.


In principle, you can harvest the crunchy leaves of the mushroom herb all year round. However, you should preferably pick the shoot tips so that theplant can constantly grow back bushy from below.

» Tip:

In the meantime, you can radically cut back individual plants (approx. 5 centimeters above the ground).

You can then eat the vitamin C-rich leaves, which taste really wonderful like mushrooms, freshly washed on bread, in salads, or cooked as spinach, etc.