Garden room dividers are not just there to structure a garden. They can also be used to create cozy corners. Here are 8 ideas how such a room divider can look like.

Many gardens can usually be made even more effective by cleverly dividing up the space. This works best with special garden room dividers or with appropriately arranged plant borders. The great thing about these garden room dividers: they not only structure the garden, they can also serve as privacy screens in the garden. So you kill two birds with one stone.
There are certainly many different variants of garden room dividers. Here we would like to present 8 ideas on how such a garden room divider can be constructed.
Garden room dividers: 8 ideas for your garden
Idea 1 - Hedge Room Divider
Green in green is the motto of the hedge room divider in the garden, which retains its intense color even in winter. Box shrubs of all sizes (heights) are ideal for this. But also cherry laurel, thuja and juniper varieties. Privet hedges also look great.
And with this room division based purely on plants, a high level of flexibility is also the top priority. Because the hedge plants can be easily arranged in a wide variety of patterns and rows. So before you plant the hedge, you might want to think of a pattern.
Idea No. 2 - Flowering room dividers
In terms of flexibility, flowering plant room dividers are in no way inferior to hedges. However, in winter they make for a dreary picture, because they are often cut back completely hoping for a new spring awakening.

However, from spring to autumn they delight every garden owner with their colorful flowers. When planting, you must therefore make sure that you choose plants for the room divider that flower one after the other so that the garden room divider does not end up looking bare.
Idea 3 - Wooden Room Divider
In the meantime, many wooden room dividers in various sizes (length and height) and designs are available in the garden centeronly need to be repainted from time to time. In this way, they defy a wide variety of weather conditions and can also be used as a privacy screen.

Idea 4 - Wood Room Divider vs. Plants
A combination of plant room dividers and wooden room dividers is possible at any time, e.g. with climbing plants. But it's even better if you build the wooden room divider yourself and add plants to it.
A simple construction variant results, for example, from the setting of fence posts, which you equip on both sides with wooden planks at slightly offset, generous distances. If you underlay (screw) these plank sections with wooden boards according to your taste, they can act as a kind of flower trough and can be equipped with a wide variety of plant pots as you wish.
Idea No. 5 - Gabions
Particularly within modern garden architecture, stones collected in lattices are currently considered to be absolutely hip garden room dividers. Especially since gabions can be erected flexibly in height and width and at the same time serve as seating, for example.

Which stones you use for this is up to you. Our tip: It is best to use stones with different colors. You can then even incorporate patterns into the stone fence.
Idea No. 6 - Flower troughs
Flower troughs are certainly among the most popular garden room dividers. Especially since they can be moved to another location at any time without great effort. Planting of the troughs can be designed depending on the design (e.g. with trellis) and dimensions. From a certain height, the plant troughs can also be used as privacy screens without any problems.
Flower troughs made of plastic and rattan are considered to be absolutely trend-oriented and can be optimally combined with a suitable seating set.
Idea 7 - White Stone Wall
Southern philosophy of life in the garden can be achieved by erecting a white stone wall. Peppered with clay pots or cacti, you can even feel a touch of Mediterranean flair.

Idea 8 - Wrought Iron Room Divider
You can also set up extremely filigree-looking wrought iron room dividers in your garden. But you can also use nicely stacked firewood as a garden room divider - divisible with a garden fireplace, which looks very rustic.