Planting and caring for daisies - Here's how it's done

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Marguerites are among the classic balcony and patio plants. So here are our tips on how to plant and care for daisies.

In many wildflower meadows, the hiker constantly encounters the white daisy (the so-called meadow daisy), which, however, has now even been cultivated in various subspecies for native perennial beds.

Today, daisies are not only available in a wide variety of colors (yellow, pink, red, violet), but also in filled form in garden centers under the collective term marguerites.


Marguerite trees (grow up to 150 centimeters high) are particularly decorative for the terrace area and entrance area. However, you should set up these trees absolutely sheltered from the wind - otherwise there is a risk of the trunk snapping off!

Plant daisies

A conventional daisy plant grows up to 80 centimeters high on average. It is relatively easy to care for and develops its flowers from spring to autumn (May to October).

However, when planting a daisy plant, you should take into account that it always prefers a bright location and nutrient-rich soil. You can improve this even further by regularly working in compost and/or animal manure.

As an alternative to purchased daisy plants, you can also buy daisy seeds and grow them yourself in the flower beds. The sowing in the flower bed should start from May, in the window pot from March. The daisy seeds can also be spread wonderfully in flower meadows.

If the marguerite is happy with its new location, it will spread itself in all directions, which is why you can multiply it by dividing it in autumn or use it at another location.


Marguerites are absolutely socially acceptable, they get along very well with all other daisy family in the immediate vicinity. Or they make a colorful natural spectacle in the company of poppies, lupins, phlox, yarrow, etc. Daisies are also ideal as cut flowers for the room vase.


» pruning:

In July (immediately after the first main bloom) a generous pruning on the bush can help to create new, full blooms. All you have to do is cut back the daisy by about 1/3. In autumn you should then completely cut back the faded daisy bush.

» Fertilize:

In addition, the marguerite cultivar gets regular fertilizer quite well - from May to August about once a month, if necessary every two weeks with complete fertilizer.

» Water the daisies:

Daisies need to be watered regularly (mornings and evenings) especially during longer periods of drought and also in buckets. However, you must strictly avoid waterlogging!

» Winter protection:

The tub daisy does not tolerate frost, which is why you have to overwinter it in a frost-free but bright room from October. During the hibernation phase, you must also ensure that the root ball of the potted plant does not dry out.

There are now even hardy varieties of daisies available for outdoor use, which can easily be left outside in winter. You still have to cover or protect them with brushwood or garden fleece!

» Fight fungus:

If the daisy is attacked by fungi, it is best to make a radical pruning. As a rule, it then drives out he althy again. However, if you recognize the fungal infestation in the early stages, a purely biological spray treatment, such as horsetail tea tincture, often helps.

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