Plant hyacinths – How it's done

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If you plant hyacinths, you can enjoy their blooms in the spring. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when planting. Read what exactly here.

Hyacinths are one of the heralds of spring and always delight us with their voluminous splendor of flowers. The flowering splendor of the hyacinth, which grows to a height of around 20 to 30 centimetres, develops outdoors from around March to May.

Hyacinths are mostly available in the garden trade in the colors blue, violet, white, pale yellow and pink, which can be used to create beautiful decorations in the garden bed and also in flower pots. However, you should always keep in mind that hyacinths are poisonous plants, which is why it is important to keep children away from the flower.

» Tip:

Hyacinths are also ideal for planting graves.

Plant hyacinth bulbs

Hyacinths have extremely large bulbs, which you have to dig at least 5 to 10 centimeters deep into the ground at the end of October (depending on the size of the bulb and the expected frost temperatures), so that the hyacinth blossoms can develop magnificently in spring. Ideally, you should add compost to the intended location, which should be as sunny to partially shaded as possible. The distance between the individual bulbs should then be at least 15 centimeters when planting.

By the way:

A well cared for hyacinth bulb can last up to 10 years or more!

Caring for hyacinths

In general, hyacinths are easy to care for. You just have to make sure that the soil around the hyacinths is always moderately moist (but avoid waterlogging). It is usually not necessary to add fertilizer outdoors if the soil is particularly rich in nutrients.

Dig up onions

Prune the hyacinths as soon as the flowers have withered and the leaves have turned yellow. You then have the option of leaving the hardy flower bulbs in the bed or digging them up again. Then you should clean and dry the bulbs well before planting them again in October. The advantage of digging up is that voles can't damage the bulbs.


You can let the hyacinths sprout in the glass over the winter months. However, the plants are then no longer suitable for subsequent outdoor cultivation.