Glossary bell: Cultivation and care of the magical flowering bush

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You want a little tree in your garden that still has striking colors in autumn? Then plant the glorious bell! Here is all the information.

If you place a delicately blooming glorious bell in your garden, you will enjoy it all season long, because glorious bells enchant those who look at them well into autumn with their sometimes magical sight. The magnificent bells, which are actually native to Asia, are among the evergreen shrubs and achieve an average growth height of 2 to 3 meters. Nevertheless, the magnificent bell can be kept as a pot plant.

Grand Bell Extension

The extremely slow-growing magnificent bells like a location that is as sheltered from the wind as possible. You should always place the plants in special rhododendron soil (containing peat, lime-free) to allow them to grow (also when transplanted). Among other things, magnificent bells love the shelter under a pine tree. If you can offer the plant this location, then you should make sure that the magnificent bell gets enough daylight there.

For planting, it is advisable to buy a perennial shrub in a garden store, as the magnificent bell only blooms from the age of 4. Of course, you can also grow the plant yourself by sowing seeds (from January at room temperature).

Care properly for the magnificent bell

➤ Pruning:

We are already delighted by the delicate, salmon-colored bell-shaped blossoms (grape-like) of the magnificent bell-shaped shrub from May to June. Immediately after flowering, however, you should cut back the magnificent bell or thin it out if necessary.

➤ Fertilize:

Caring for the magnificent bell is comparable to caring for the rhododendron, which is why you should also use a rhododendron fertilizer for fertilizing.

➤ Casting:

You must always keep the magnificent bell moist, but not wet, otherwise there is a risk of rot in the root area. As soon as the top layer of soil has dried, you should therefore water again.

➤ Winter Protection:

Peaceful bells used outdoors should be well protected in extreme frost temperatures.Mounding up the trunk with earth or leaves is suitable for this, but also covering the bush with jute. This in turn has another effect: the rotted leaves also provide the plant with sufficient nutrients.