Ginkgo tree care - Here's how


The ginkgo tree is a very popular little tree. You can find out how to care for such a ginkgo tree here.

One of the oldest conifers
The ginkgo tree is one of the oldest conifers. Even though its needles look more like leaves, they aren't leaves. That's why it is also known as the first deciduous tree on earth . Gingko is a remedy that is found in medicines as well as in cosmetics and also in naturopathy.

The tree is growing
Such a small tree is very decorative and looks good on every window sill. But beware: this tree will also grow over time. Although that is very slow. Within 15 years, it is just four meters high. If you want to leave it permanently on the windowsill or in the conservatory, then it is best to choose small varieties such as Marieken. They are similar to bonsai and stay that size. You can put all the others in the garden if they get too big.

Care for the Ginkgo Tree
The Gingko is hardy and quite undemanding. It needs no special soil, no fertilizer and grows in the sun as well as in the shade. If you want to cut your ginkgo tree, then you should know that it is enough if you prune it. Depending on how big you want the ginkgo tree to be, you may need to trim the branches accordingly.