If you always want fresh herbs in the house, then you should plant herbs in the garden or on the balcony, for example.
You can plant herbs anywhere
Herbs can be used extensively in the garden, in the greenhouse, on the balcony or on the windowsill. The advantage of herbs: They usually remain quite small and compact and are therefore also popular where there is otherwise little space. Of course, growing herbs close to your kitchen has the added benefit of not having to go out into the garden to harvest them.
Simply oversow herbs
If you sow annual herbs in spring and suddenly notice in June or July that supplies are running low, then you can help by sowing again. If you do this in June, you will be able to harvest again by mid-July. This is also possible with perennial herbs.
Seed discs require little work
Seeds, which are offered in so-called seed discs, are particularly popular because they require little work. The seeds are embedded in a fleece that only needs to be placed on the ground and watered. It is best to place the pots very brightly and water the herbs regularly, then they will breed quickly.