The pretty lantana are a real gem for every terrace and balcony. Today we would like to give you tips on how to care for your Lantana.
Tip 1 - Choose the right location
Lantana are not only a jewel for the terrace or balcony, the plants are also often kept in the conservatory. If you can find a place for them outside, then you should know that lantana likes it hot and sunny. Then they really blossom. So if you have a sunny terrace where little else blooms, lantana are welcome there.
Tip 2 - Fertilize and water regularly
Lantana are available as a small flower stock, as a bush and even as a small tree. They bloom in the most beautiful colors. Varieties that change color during flowering are particularly popular. Make sure they are always kept moist and given a dose of fertilizer once a week.
Tip 3 - Hibernating Lantana
Make sure you bring your lantana indoors in time for hibernation, because they don't like frost. It hibernates at a maximum of ten degrees in a bright place. You should stop fertilizing during the winter months. They should also only water sporadically.
Tip 4 - Pruning Lantana
You do not need to prune the plant to get a bushy growth. If new shoots appear in summer, you should pinch them off with your fingers. You must also cut off faded umbels.
Tip 5 - Fight pests
Spider mites, aphids and white flies like to attack lantana. But you can fight these pests with soapy water.