Banana tree in the conservatory - do not plant outside!


If you like to eat bananas, then you should put up a banana tree in the conservatory. Taking care of the tree isn't that difficult either.

Don't plant a banana tree outside
Actually, bananas don't belong in our area. They are used to warmth and cannot survive our cold winters. Even if bananas for outdoors are offered again and again, there is no guarantee that these new varieties will last. But if you don't want to do without a banana tree, then you shouldn't plant the banana in the garden, but place it in a bucket in the conservatory.

Banana tree in the conservatory
Temperatures in the conservatory are always above 10 degrees, which is good for the plant. But be careful: Even at these temperatures, the tree can lose leaves over the winter. So don't panic, this is completely normal. If the banana is in rooms that are constantly above 18 degrees, then you should spray the leaves regularly with water so that they do not get brown edges from the dry air.

Pruning Banana Tree
Bananas can get really big, sometimes even too big for the conservatory. But then you can simply clip them to the desired height by cutting off the trunk. New shoots will soon come out of it and the banana will look very nice again very quickly.