Caring for the lily - That's how it's done

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A container plant is always on the rise: we are talking about the African lily. No wonder, because the magnificent perennial is robust and very easy to care for.

Asiatic lilies have really beautiful, lush flowers that are a real eye-catcher in the garden. They usually bloom in the most beautiful shades of blue and white and are ideal for balconies and terraces. But they also cut a fine figure in beds. If you then overwinter the plants properly, you will enjoy them for a long time.

Location and soil for the African lilies

The African lily, also known as agapanthus, thrives best in full sun. The plant originally comes from South Africa and therefore likes it warm and sunny. The location should therefore be oriented and protected to the east or south. The sun should have been shining here for at least half the day.

As far as the soil or the substrate is concerned, you don't really have to pay attention to anything special here. If possible, the soil in the bed should be nutritious and well drained. If the soil is poor in nutrients, simply enrich it with some mature compost before planting.

If you want to plant the African lily in tubs, you should mix normal potting soil with some sand. However, planting the African lily in a bucket is not highly recommended, as the roots develop enormous forces and can damage the bucket.

Watering and fertilizing African lilies

The plant needs a lot of water. However, waterlogging should never occur. If you forget to water, you don't have to worry about the plant dying. It also survives dry periods of several weeks. This works because African lilies store water in their roots.

It is best to fertilize the African lily in spring and autumn with a thick layer of compost. In summer you should not fertilize at all, because too much fertilizer will produce more leaves than flowers. This of course reduces the beauty of the African lilies.

Winter lilies

Although the African lily is hardy, you should still bring it indoors. Especially if you keep your African lily in a pot. There is too little hereantifreeze. You could protect the African lily, but it is easier to hibernate indoors in a bucket. Place the tubs in a dark room and water the African lilies very little.

Asiatic lilies that grow in beds can be left there in winter. However, you should cover them with some leaves or brushwood during the cold season.

How to propagate African lilies

When the pot is completely rooted, you have to repot the African lily. You can then multiply the plant in the same breath. You should do that, otherwise you will eventually need a huge flower pot for the plant. You can find out how to do this in our article Multiplying African lilies with offshoots.