Overwintering climbing plants - How it's done


Climbing plants cannot be big and bushy enough in summer. In order for them to be as bushy next year, you have to overwinter your climbing plants properly.

Climbing plants are usually not hardy
Climbing plants are supposed to climb up trellises or trellises and also usually serve as privacy screens. The bigger the better. But you get a problem when it comes to plants that you have to bring indoors in winter because they are not hardy. The passion flower or the jasmine belong here. But there is a solution for this as well.

Overwintering climbing plants
If the plants are strong, you can definitely cut back the shoots a bit in autumn. But beware: Don't cut off too much, because the plant might not tolerate it. Cut off the shoot tips by 1/3 and unwrap the rest from the climbing frames. Admittedly, this is somewhat difficult work, but it has to be done. Otherwise, the plant could suffer from the harsh winter conditions. Only in the spring you can then make a more radical pruning. A tip to avoid unthreading: Let the climbing plants grow up mobile trellis, this saves a lot of time and work.