Keep trees small - 3 important tips


Small plants on the balcony or terrace are not specially cultivated. Basically every tree can be kept small. We'll show you how.

Perhaps you have also wondered at some point that the trees that your neighbor has in the bucket on the terrace are not getting any bigger. You probably thought that the trees were special varieties. That's not the case. Because there are a few tricks to keep trees in pots from getting bigger. To ensure that this also works for your trees, you should observe the following tips:

  1. You should always keep the crown of the trees compact and small. You have to cut off any spurs. Also, not only do you have to prune the crown once in the winter, you also have to cut it back once or twice in the summer.
  2. You should always keep the soil of the trees moist. In the spring you then have to give the trees a long-term fertilizer. This way they don't get stressed and don't shoot up.
  3. You should repot the trees every two years. However, not in a larger pot, because that will only make them bigger. Instead, cut several wedges out of the root ball and fill them up with soil. After that, you need to put the trees back in the same pot.

By following these three tips, you can keep your trees at a certain size.