Heather bushes need pruning


In probably every garden you will find heather bushes, which are also called heather. There is often a colorful mix of summer and winter heath. Summer heather blooms from August until well into October. The winter heath delights hobby gardeners from December to March. Then, of course, there are very few flowers in the garden, but the heather, on the other hand, is very reliable. However, only if you allow it to be pruned from time to time. Because that's the only way it will bloom steadily.

Pruning Erika properly
If you don't prune the Erika, you will quickly notice that it will become woody from below and eventually stop blooming. Here it behaves like the lavender. And just as the lavender is cut, the heather has to be trimmed. That means: Never cut into the wood, otherwise it will no longer grow back from below. The summer heather should be cut annually in spring, the winter heather in March, immediately after flowering. Here it is sufficient if you reach for the scissors every few years.