Gardening in September


When the summer comes to an end, the work doesn't get any less. There is still a lot to do before you can relax a little more in the fall.

Our care tips for September:

  1. Don't prune faded perennials too early. Even if the plants wither and no longer look pretty, you should leave them for a while. The reason: You draw the last reserves of energy from the leaves and thus strengthen yourself even more.
  2. Evergreen plants evaporate water even in winter. If you still want to plant them now, you can do so until the middle of the month. Then water them enough to get enough roots by winter to survive the winter.
  3. Mid-September is the last opportunity to plant imperial crowns. These spring bloomers still need to root before winter in order to produce gorgeous blooms in spring as well.
  4. You must not burn the garden waste, which is caused by lots of leaves, especially in autumn. These go to the compost or recycling center.