If berry bushes such as currants, gooseberries or raspberries are heavily infested with gall mites or if powdery mildew or rod disease is active, then they are sick berry bushes and they need aRadical Cut.
Dispose of cut shoots immediately
Radical means that the berry bushes must be cut down to the ground. Only with this intensive pruning can the harmful organisms be eliminated. It is important after the cut that the cut shoots are really destroyed or at least completely removed from the garden. It is best to dispose of the cut in the garbage can immediately.
Make sure the soil is in good condition
Even if the method is radical, berry bushes can usually cope with this radical pruning very well and the regeneration in the following year as well as the good fruit stand confirm this as a general rule. Gooseberry powdery mildew can be prevented simply by choosing the location of the plant. At the same time, care should be taken to ensure that the soil is in good condition.
Ensure sufficient soil moisture
The root area in the topsoil area should be covered with a lot of humus and have good ventilation. Sufficient soil moisture is also important, because drought promotes mildew infestation. Over-fertilization should also be avoided. The plants are often content with grass clippings, which form a mulch layer so that sufficient nitrogen is formed to supply the plants.