Processing the fruits of the ornamental apple tree - 2 tips


The Ornamental Apple Tree grows small and usable Fruits that can be used in a variety of ways. We have put together the options for processing the fruit of the ornamental apple tree here.

  1. Processed into jelly the apples are covered with water, boiled until soft and then pressed through. The juice weighed out the following day is boiled down with twice the amount of sugar for an hour. If cooked for a long time, the resulting jelly gets a beautiful red color. If the cooking time is set to less than an hour, the jelly will retain a yellowish tinge.
  2. The ornamental apples can also be used as fruits for roasting. Here, one kilo of apples with their stalks is cooked with half a liter of wine vinegar, 8 g of cinnamon, 4 g of white pepper, half a kilo of sugar and 4 g of cloves. The fruits are taken out and the broth is slightly thickened by boiling. If this broth is thoroughly boiled again after it has cooled, the shelf life of this side dish for roasting is significantly increased.

By the way, both crab apple and blood plum fruits are edible, although they are much smaller than the usual fruit on the fruit shelf.