When it rains, Gardeners often lose out. Because hail damage to plants usually has fatal consequences. Here are 6 damage limitation tips.
Hail ravages our gardens almost every year, destroying numerous plants again and again. It is a pity when the laboriously tended vegetable beds and salad beds are often almost completely destroyed, especially in spring. And of course large perennials and trees can also be damaged by the hail. Unfortunately, this is called force majeure, which you cannot do much about. If there is a storm warning, you can only spread a robust garden fleece over the very small garden plants in good time, which can prevent some damage.
But if it has happened and the hail has hit your plants badly, then you should heed the following tips, which may still be able to save them.
Plant Damage Control Tips
» Tip 1:
Once the hail is over, the first thing you should do is check out the mess. Then you should first remove leaves and branches lying around in your garden.
» Tip 2:
The same applies to broken branches and slashed leaves, as the latter can also be quickly attacked by diseases such as fungal infestation. During this first clean-up campaign, you can take a closer look at the damage to individual plants and carry out valuable construction work with careful pruning measures.
» Tip 3:
Sometimes, carefully tying the plants to plant supports (e.g. wooden posts, sticks, etc.) also helps to be able to quickly recover from the hail load.
» Tip 4:
You should only remove completely destroyed plants from the planting bed after about 2 to 4 weeks of regeneration time, because sometimes nature recovers better than you think.
» Tip 5:
Sometimes a radical pruning is enough even with apparently completely destroyed plants and the plants will bloom again in full splendor next year.
» Tip 6:
Recover many plants damaged by hailThey will grow back on their own after about 4 to 6 weeks, although sometimes they have lost an entire annual bloom in the process. With additional fertilization, however, you can ensure better regeneration.