Who or what are the Ice Saints?


According to the farmer's rule, you should only put plants in the garden after the ice saints. Why is that or is it just a myth in the end?

The last cold spell with the danger of night frost
The ice saints are also known as the strict men or ice men. The Ice Saints are from May 11th to 15th and are called Mamertus, Pankratius, Servatius, Bonifatius and Sophie. These are bishops and martyrs from the 4th and 5th centuries. In northern Germany, Mamertus is considered the first ice saint. In southern Germany it is Pankratius. What is meant by the ice saints is the last cold period with the danger of night frost.

Claims could not be substantiated
The rule dates back to the weather records made by farmers over many centuries. However, these claims could not be proven. It should also not be forgotten that the climate has continued to change in recent decades. In addition, weather statistics show that the period from May 21 to May 23 is more susceptible to frost.

You can't generalize about farmer's rules
And you can't generalize about farmer's rules either, because the climate on the North Sea is different from that in the foothills of the Alps. It may well be that there are still frosty nights in mid-May, but these cannot be pinpointed by date. So the rule that you can only bring plants outside after the ice saints is a myth.