Angel's trumpet gets yellow leaves - causes & Treatment tips

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If the angel's trumpet gets yellow leaves, there can be several reasons. In principle, however, they can all be managed.

Pink, yellow or bright orange - this is how the large calyxes of the angel's trumpet bloom in summer. Provided the nightshade plant feels comfortable. However, if they get yellow leaves, it is also very likely that the angel's trumpets will not bloom. This could be due to a lack of water, for example. But nutrient deficiencies or spider mites can also be to blame for the leaves of the angel's trumpet turning yellow.

Causes & Treatment Tips

» Cause 1 - Water shortage:

Angel's trumpets have a high water requirement, which increases in heat and direct sunlight. Limp, drooping, or yellowing leaves can be a sign that you're not watering the plant enough.


In the morning, put water in the bucket until it collects in the saucer. If the plant has absorbed the water by the evening, pour a slightly smaller amount.

If a lack of water is the cause of the limp, yellowish leaves, the problem will be solved within a few hours by watering. You can literally watch as the liquid rises in the plant and the leaves gain elasticity. But be careful not to overdo it. If water remains in the saucer for a long time, the roots are permanently wet and there is a risk of root rot. In this case, simply pour off the standing water.

» Cause 2 - Nutrient Deficiency:

Can you rule out lack of water as the cause of the yellow leaves? Then maybe nutrient deficiency is the problem. Angel's trumpets are among the heavy feeders that you need to fertilize regularly.


Twice a week, add a commercially available tub plant fertilizer to the watering can to ensure a good basic supply.

To ensure that your angel's trumpet recovers quickly and blooms soon, you must consider the plant's nutrient requirements at different times: In the first six weeks of the growth phase, the plants primarily need nitrogen, which is contained in sufficient quantities in special growth fertilizersis. At the beginning of the flowering phase, switch from growth fertilizer to potassium-rich flowering fertilizer. However, please note the manufacturer's dosage recommendations for all variants of fertilization.

» Cause 3 - Spider Mites:

Do you recognize a yellowish, net-shaped coating on the leaves of the angel's trumpet? This is a clear symptom of a spider mite infestation. The young leaves at the tips of the shoots are usually affected first. If there is no treatment, the spider mites quickly infest the entire plant and gradually destroy all the leaves. So act now!


If you detect the disease early, it may be sufficient to remove the affected leaves and those immediately adjacent to them. If the angel's trumpet is in full sun, a change of location makes sense. Spider mites love warmth and dryness. If the net-like coating appears again on other leaves, you should resort to stronger but natural remedies. We can recommend, for example, the ready-to-use rapeseed oil spray Naturen Schädlingsfrei from Substral. Otherwise, you can also mix 1 liter of water with 250 milliliters of rapeseed oil and then spray the affected plants with it twice a week. The oil clogs the spider mites' breathing holes, causing them to suffocate.


  • Water more if the plant is too dry
  • fertilize regularly
  • Check the plant regularly for pests