Plant and care for cornrade

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The corn wheel is one of the endangered plants in the wild. All the better if it finds a place in the garden.

The corn wheel (Agrostemma githago) is actually an arable plant that fell victim to the clearing of the fields for a very long time. There was a time when you could hardly see it in nature, but the plant is a beautiful sight when it is in bloom. Today it is a popular garden plant, but it should be borne in mind that the corn weed is poisonous.

Origin and homeland of Kornrade

The Common Corn Rade belongs to the carnation family and is a summer flower that has been an important part of nature in Europe for a long time. Their origin cannot be traced exactly. However, it is believed that the plants were first found in the eastern Mediterranean. The Kornrade could be seen a lot, especially along grain fields. Since the corn radish is a poisonous plant and was close to useful plants, people were sometimes poisoned. Therefore, the corn wheel was removed from fields.

After it became apparent that the corn wheel was hardly to be found in Europe, the search for the plant began. Then it started to be used mainly in the garden. Today the corn radish can be found in outdoor beds, in natural gardens and also in cottage gardens. The undemanding annual plant sows itself and does well even with low temperatures.

Common Corn Radle (Agrostemma githago)
Growth:up to 90 cm
Growth:up to 10 cm
Flower:June to August
Location:Sun to partial shade
Floor:dry to fresh, gritty to loamy, moderately nutritious

Planting cornrade - the right location

The location should be as sunny as possible. The Kornrade can also cope with penumbra, but the desired growth is much more difficult to achieve here. The soil should be slightly sandy. A gritty soil is also a good choice. When it comes to nutrients, the corn wheel is frugal. Itsufficient if the soil is moderately nutrient-rich.

Basically, the corn wheel gets along well with various other plants in its vicinity. It should be remembered that their roots go quite deep and can grow up to 90 cm long. So it may be that it is removing nutrients from the soil and restricting the growth of other plants.

This is important for planting

The seeds of the corn radish are planted in March or September. They come straight into the bed. Frost does not harm development. Experience shows that plants whose seeds were sown in September grow earlier. Please note:

  • No seedlings but seeds should be planted in the soil.
  • Sowing should be done very densely.
  • Young plants can be separated.
  • There should be a space of 30 cm between young plants.
  • The location should be sunny.
  • Gravel or clay soil are the right choice.
  • Fertiliser is not necessary.
  • To reduce spread, plants should be pruned before flowering.
  • These are annual plants that are self-propagating.
Especially on very hot days it is important to water the Kornrade. However, the soil should not be too wet.

Increase Corn Rade

The Corn Rade doesn't need much help to propagate. Once the first plants have developed and flowered, it will also spread. There is also no need to pull seedlings over the winter. If you would like to sow the corn radish elsewhere, you can remove the seeds from the flowers and dry them. They are then simply planted in the desired location in September or March. If the corn wheel is to be grown in the pot, this is also possible. Here, however, it should be noted that it should also be warm and sunny indoors.

No known diseases or pests on the corn wheel

One of the reasons why the corn radish is a popular plant in the garden is that it is very robust and is not susceptible to diseases or pests. There is no evidence to expect an infestation.

Types of Corn Rade

The Kornrade itself is the classic with the delicate pink flowers. In the meantime, however, other varieties can also be bought in stores. The "Purple Queen" has a much stronger color that is almost old pink. The white center forms a nice contrast. Also the “Milas” ispopular. The flowers are more purple to red, and it is particularly robust and tough.