The cherry laurel is known for its vigorous growth. For this, however, it is necessary to fertilize it at least once a year.

If you don't fertilize your cherry laurel, you have to expect that the leaves will suffer from a lack of nutrients and turn brown in winter.
» Reading tip: What to do if the cherry laurel gets brown leaves.
When is the right time to fertilize?
It is advisable to fertilize the cherry laurel in the spring, because the plant needs a lot of nutrients after the winter. However, a single fertilization is only sufficient if you use a strong long-term fertilizer such as horn shavings or compost. Otherwise, another fertilization in May or June is advisable.
Which fertilizer is recommended?
There are different fertilizers for a cherry laurel. Examples include:
» Crap:
You can fertilize your cherry laurel with manure. Recommended are e.g. cow and horse manure. However, it is important that you only use manure that is already well seasoned. Alternatively, you can also apply cow dung pellets. This is pure, dried cow dung that has been pressed into pellet form.
» Compost:
If you decide to use compost as fertilizer, you can confidently apply a layer of at least one centimeter and then work it lightly into the soil with a rake. Like manure, compost should be well matured, otherwise it will pull nitrogen out of the soil.
» Horn shavings/horn meal:
Horn shavings and horn meal have also proven themselves as long-term fertilizers for the plant, whereby horn meal is broken down more quickly. Horn shavings last longer due to their coarser consistency and are therefore always the better choice.
» blue grain:
Blaukorn is a complete fertilizer that contains the main nutrients such as potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus in sufficient quantities. In liquid form, simply mix with irrigation water and water the cherry laurel with it.This ensures that nutrients are absorbed immediately. In solid form, on the other hand, you have to work the fertilizer properly into the loosened soil. This then ensures a slower dissolution and thus a longer nutrient supply.
Important: Always follow the dosage instructions on the packaging. Fertilizing too much could cause serious damage to the plant.
» Industrial fertilizer:
Industrially produced ready-to-use fertilizer contains all the nutrients that the cherry laurel needs for its growth. By using such fertilizer you can be sure that your cherry laurel will grow well and keep its leaves.