The Astilbe (also called spiers) is a perfect plant for shady spots. With the right care, it will thrive there.
It's not always easy to find plants that thrive in the shade. Especially plants that also convince with pretty flowers. But one can be found in almost every garden and is very popular there: the Astilbe. This is a plant from East Asia that comes with multiple subdivided leaves and whose inflorescences are somewhat reminiscent of feathers. That looks really extraordinary. Especially because the Astilbe not only flowers in white, but also in red, pink and purple.
But the Astilbe is not only popular for its appearance in the garden. But also due to the fact that it thrives where it is simply too dark, cold and damp for other plants. So if you have a lot of shady spots in the garden, the Astilbe is just right for you. However, you have to do a lot for the plant to thrive.
When do astilbes bloom?
Astilbes are perennial herbaceous plants. The first flowers already in June/July. Others only in August and September. When you buy astilbe, always pay attention to the flowering time. Because if you choose the varieties skillfully, you can enjoy a sea of flowers all summer long. Astilbes are best in small groups anyway. Individually, they go under optically, especially next to larger neighbors.
Where do astilbes grow best?
As you have already learned, astilbes like it dark and damp. The best place for the plants is a shady spot. However, it can also be partially shaded. In addition, the soil at the location should always be nice and moist, because the astilbes do not like dryness at all. If the soil in your garden is sandy or chalky, you can still plant astilbes. Finally, there is a trick how to perfectly prepare the soil for the astilbes:
Put a container, for example a large flower pot with a drainage hole, in the ground. Fill in a layer of gravel at the bottom for drainage. After that you need to fill in potting soil for rhododendrons or compostand plant the plants. Then always water vigorously and the beautiful flowers will thrive even in sandy or calcareous soil.
How to properly plant astilbe
You can plant astilbes in spring or autumn. The only important thing is that you plant them deep enough, because over time the root balls will push upwards. You must also ensure that there is a sufficiently large planting distance. A distance of approx. 20 centimeters is recommended for dwarf varieties, and a distance of approx. 40 cm for larger plants.
Caring for Astilbe properly
Water astilbe:
You don't usually have to water Astilben. However, if there are dry periods, you even have to use the watering can. So check the condition of the floor regularly. If it is very dry, water the astilbe abundantly. By the way, this does not only apply to freshly planted astilbes. Even older plants need plenty of water during longer dry periods. Incidentally, rainwater is recommended for watering, as astilbes are sensitive to lime.
Little tip:
To prevent the soil from drying out so quickly, simply spread some mulch around the astilbe. This also reduces weed growth. Reading tip: Apply bark mulch - That's how it's done.
Fertilize Astilbe:
We recommend fertilizing the astilbes twice a year. Once in spring (beginning of April) and once in autumn (after the growing season). It is always advisable to use mature compost, as it provides the plants with the best possible nutrients. The compost also keeps the soil nice and moist. If you don't want to work with compost, you can also apply long-term fertilizer.
Pruning Astilbe:
Astilbes usually do not need to be cut. Not even when the plants have withered. On the contrary: leave the withered seed heads of the perennials where they are. They turn bronze to brownish in autumn and look really beautiful. You can then cut them off in spring to make room for the new flowers.
Winter Astilbe:
Astilbes are hardy. So you do not need to take any special measures in the cold season. Nevertheless, it is advisable to cover the plants with some brushwood to protect the roots from a too severe winter.
If you have planted the Astilbe in a bucket, you can simply bring the bucket inside and place it in a frost-free room. But you can also leave it in the garden. However, it is then advisable to take the bucket with youwrap some bubble wrap and cover the plant with sticks.