The Sequoia is a huge exotic perennial that has little tolerance for cold temperatures. You should therefore take suitable care measures in winter so that you can enjoy the plant again next year.
The mammoth leaf is a gigantic plant that can grow up to three meters in height and develop a leaf diameter of two meters.
The plant comes from warm Brazil and is therefore unfortunately not completely insensitive to frost. If the soil is frozen deep, even the roots can die. With a few protective measures, which I will explain to you below, the exotic plant can get through the cold season quite well.
Preparing for Winter
Before winterizing the mammoth leaf, you should take a few precautions. This includes, for example, cutting off the inflorescences and stems after flowering and also shortening the leaf stalks to about 30 centimeters above the ground. The mammoth leaf would do some of the work itself, because after the summer all parts of the plant above the ground die off, but by cutting the plant saves energy and uses fewer nutrients.
Warning, the stalks of the mammoth leaf are very strong, have small thorns and are up to ten centimeters thick. Wear work gloves and use sharp pruning shears or hedge trimmers. You can use the leaves to cover up as part of the winter protection.
Winter Protection for the Mammoth Leaf
Clean the root area thoroughly. Damp leaves, leftover small parts of plants and leaves can become moldy in winter and must be removed. Also check the soil for snails.
Various materials are suitable for covering, for example:
- dry leaves
- Straw
- Twigs
- Coconut Mats
- cut leaves of sequoia
If using sequoia leaves, the stems should be facing up. In addition, the antifreeze must be weighed down with stones so that it does not fly away in the wind. are not cheapCovers with bubble wrap. The mammoth leaf also needs air in winter, because otherwise the remaining parts of the plant can become moldy. The frost protection should be complete by November at the latest.
Special case young plants: Overwintering indoors
Small mammoth leaf plants that you have grown in pots over the summer overwinter indoors. There is no fall pruning here. The plants come in a cool and dark room and should be watered from time to time.
In spring you can put the pots outside, but you should watch out for cold temperatures at night.
After winter: how to get the mammoth leaf used to rising temperatures
After winter, the mammoth leaf has to slowly get used to the rising temperatures. Therefore, you should only remove the antifreeze step by step. However, if another severe onset of winter threatens, you must protect the root area again.
For this reason, a large wooden box is often used in botanical gardens, which you put over the plant and the lid of which can be opened. This allows you to react quickly to changeable weather - a purchase that is definitely worthwhile for real mammoth leaf lovers and that experienced hobbyists can also make themselves!
The mammoth leaf sprout again quickly in spring, so you can look forward to your plant with the giant leaves next season!
Coming soon:
- Cut inflorescences and stems after flowering
- Shorten leaves in autumn to 30 centimeters
- Clean the floor thoroughly
- Cover root area with antifreeze
- Slowly getting used to warmth in spring