Tasty fruits in the garden are and will always be strawberries. They are loved by everyone, are easy to care for and taste just as delicious on the bush as they are on a cake or in a fruit salad. However, easy-care does not mean that you do not have to take care of your strawberries. You have to do a little bit to ensure that the fruits grow big and strong and that the plants are not attacked by mold. Mulching is the order of the day for strawberries.
Tip 1 - Do not mulch during the flowering phase
You should wait for the right time. It would be wrong to mulch the strawberries when they are in bloom. Mulching should be avoided during the flowering phase.
Tip 2 - Mulching with wood shavings or straw
Mulching can only start when you see the first fruit buds. Then wood shavings or straw are spread on the ground.
Tip 3 - Don't use hay or grass for mulching
Many people try hay or mowed grass. However, this is not suitable, as it can cause the plants or fruit to begin to mold.
Tip 4 - Mulch with nettles before flowering
Nettle leaves, which are particularly rich in nutrients, are also ideal for mulching before flowering.