The walnut tree in your own garden is becoming more and more popular. Today we would like to describe to you how you should cut a walnut tree.
Walnut trees can grow huge
If you intend to get such a tree, you will be able to harvest bountifully. However, you should also be prepared for the fact that the tree can become very large. Treetops of up to ten meters in diameter are not uncommon. In order to curb the size, an annual pruning should take place. We have made a note of when and how you should do this for you.
Pruning the walnut tree in late summer
Pruning is always done in late summer, ideally from mid-August to the end of September. The reason lies in the sap pressure of the tree. It is enormously large in the spring due to growth. The result: when cut, the tree bleeds and loses too much liquid. This can damage the tree. In late summer or early fall, on the other hand, the pressure is much lower. The wounds should not be closed, the tree will do that itself.
You should prune the walnut tree like this:
In the first year, cut back every second shoot by up to 1.5 meters. In addition, steeply ascending shoots should be cut. The remaining shoots are cut the following year. By the way: You don't lose any crop yields by cutting.