Olive trees are known from the Mediterranean region, but they can also be kept in tubs here in Germany. Provided you follow important care instructions.

Nevertheless, an olive tree planted in a pot is relatively undemanding. He even forgives some care mistakes, but not all. To ensure that you can enjoy your olive tree for many years, it is important to follow the care instructions below.
5 tips - this is how your olive tree will thrive
Olive trees thrive in warm, bright places. A spot in the garden in full sun is best suited as a location, but the Mediterranean plants also feel at home on the balcony - on the south side of the house.
Soil and water requirements:
Water your olive tree sparingly. Stagnant wetness is far more dangerous than drought, which, however, should not last longer than a few days. As far as soil conditions are concerned, the olive tree is very adaptable. Loamy or sandy soil from your garden is just as acceptable as ordinary potting soil. If the olive tree is in a nutrient-poor substrate, you should fertilize it moderately between March and September.
Olive trees grow slowly. They can remain in the same pot until the substrate is fully rooted and the roots grow through the holes in the bottom of the pot. When repotting, use a bucket that is a quarter larger than the container you have been using. The ball should sit rather high in the substrate so that the roots have enough space to reach down.
Pruning the olive tree to increase yield is unusual in Germany. With a few exceptions, the summers in this country are too short anywaycool for the full ripeness of olives. When cutting ornamental plants, the most important thing is the visual effect and he althy growth of the plant:
❶ Regularly remove all lower side shoots of the olive tree if you want a clear, aesthetically pleasing demarcation between the trunk and crown.
❷ Light up the olive tree so much that the individual shoots do not touch. Cut inside rather than outside. They then catch the shoots, which get little light anyway.
❸ Remove all dead parts of the olive tree.
❹ Leave the main shoot or stem intact.
❺ Cut back the olive tree in early spring, before the growth phase begins.
Wait until the olive tree has gotten the first night frost. Only then does the move to the winter quarters take place. The reason: Light frost does not damage the olive tree, but kills any pests that may be present. Choose a cool but frost-free and bright spot in the house. Put the bucket back outside as soon as the temperatures are no longer expected to be below zero.