Vegetables and their pests

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If the vegetables are spared diseases, various pests can still attack them. Here you will find the five most common pests.

Fighting diseases and pests
Vegetables are not only he althy, they taste twice as good from your own garden. The various types of vegetables that you plant in your garden can be attacked by both diseases and pests. We would like to introduce you to the five most common pests here. Of course we will also give you a few tips on how to combat the pests.

5 pests and tips to combat them

1Potato Beetle

He is about one centimeter tall, has yellow and black stripes and likes to nibble on the leaves of the potatoes. This can lead to defoliation. The beetles can be collected, larvae and eggs must be removed with a jet of water.

2Carrot Fly

White maggots of the carrot fly (Psila rosae) damage the young plant by feeding on the roots. Once the tender roots have been eaten, the larva feeds on the carrot and destroys the vegetable. To avoid this, carrots should be covered with vegetable nets (we recommend this net). So the fly cannot lay its up to 100 eggs in the ground next to the young plant.

3Whitefly (whitefly)

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The whitefly (Aleyrodoidea) sucks on plants and forms honeydew. Tomatoes, beans and cucumbers are particularly affected. Yellow boards help against the small plant suckers. You can also use beneficial insects such as parasitic wasps in the event of an infestation (keyword: insect hotel!).

4Mealy cabbage aphid

The mealy cabbage aphid (Brevicoryne brassicae), as the name suggests, occurs mainly on cabbage plants and sucks out leaves that wilt very quickly. It helps preventively to fertilize with nitrogen and to dig up the cabbage stalks in autumn. This strengthens the plant and leftover cabbage cannot serve as a basis for food. In the case of heavy cabbage aphid infestations, pesticides containing neem oil can help.

5root lice

Carrots, endive or lettuce are served by theseparticularly popular with pests. They live in the soil, attach themselves to the roots of vegetable plants and suck the sap from the plant. Vegetables are particularly susceptible to infestation when the soil is compacted and dry. In this case, the best way to prevent this is to keep the soil loose and moist.