Planting cherry plums - everything to do with location & Soil

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The fruits of the noble plum are sweet, slightly spicy and therefore in great demand everywhere. If you want to bring the fruit tree into the garden, you don't have to pay much attention to the planting. The noble plum is undemanding and easy to care for.

The noble plum (Prunus domestica subsp. italica) is one of the plums and has spherical instead of egg-shaped fruits. The noble plums include the real noble plums and greengage. The juicy plums can be yellow, green-yellow, blue or red. Edel plums have been known since the 17th century and are used for fruit tree cultivation in Europe and Asia.

Plums taste best fresh from the tree. But it is also common to make jam or compote. If you too would like to harvest the juicy fruits yourself soon, you can find out here what should be considered when planting noble plums.

Which noble plum should be planted?

Before planting, you should first take a closer look at the fruit trees. The noble plum belongs to the rose family and is closely related to cherries, peaches or almonds, which also belong to the Prunus genus. The real noble plums and greengage are native to our latitudes.

The noble plum is a dark red to blue-black spherical fruit that comes in the varieties

  • "Colorful Perdrigon"
  • "Peach Plum"
  • "Wine Plum"

is on sale.

Greengage are yellow-green in color and have a sweeter taste. There are both very old cultivars and various new breeds on the market. Both species are quite well adapted to our climate and do not differ in terms of planting.

Find the right location

Red plums probably originally come from Asia and are quite warm-loving plants. The fruit trees therefore thrive particularly well in southern Europe and northern Africa.

A warm and sheltered location is important for noble plums. In Germany they prefer to thrive in climatically favorable regions such as the Rhine Valley or the Lake Constance area. Cultivation is also possible in colder regions, and various varieties have proven to be quite robust. These include the old cultivars “MeroldtsReneclode" or "Uhink's Reneclode".

» Tip: Before you buy, find out locally whether the respective variety can cope with the given site conditions.

Keep greengage in the bucket - is that possible?

To ensure that the cultivation of the noble plum is also possible without restrictions in climatically less favorable regions, the cultivation of tubs has proven its worth. However, the plant pot should be of the appropriate size and not contain less than 70 liters. Slow-growing varieties are a good choice for keeping in tubs. However, the orchardist is challenged when it comes to caring for the container plant, because plants in the container require more watering and nutrients than a plant outdoors, which can take care of itself well from the ground.

Find the right substrate

Plums grow in normal garden soil. The substrate can be enriched with compost before planting. A location that is too dry gets the plants less. The soil should always appear slightly moist and permeable enough for the liquid to drain off easily.

» Tip: Plums tolerate calcareous soil and can therefore also be watered with tap water.

If you want to be on the safe side, you can determine the pH value of the plant before planting. Every garden center has the appropriate test strips ready. Ideally, the pH should be between 6.5 and 7. The soil should not dry out completely. Compared to the other representatives in the orchard, the noble plum needs watering quite often.

Planting plums - explained step by step

❶ Select location
❷ Loosen, clean, upgrade soil
❸ Water root ball
❹ Dig planting hole
❺ Insert drainage
❻ Put the noble plum in the planting hole
❼ Fill up the substrate
❽ Press the soil well
❾ Water the plant sufficiently

First the location is selected. This should be as warm, sunny and protected from the wind as possible. Appropriate preparation is necessary so that the soil of the noble plum offers the ideal basis for growth. This includes first loosening the substrate and removing stones and weeds. Coarse sand or gravel can be incorporated as drainage to prevent waterlogging. An enrichment with compost, horn shavings or guano provides the substrate with additional nutrients.

The planting hole should be at least twice the width and depth of the root ball. Before the noble plum is planted, the root ball should be sufficiently saturated with liquidbe able. To do this, the plant is placed in a bucket of water and left there until no more air bubbles rise. After the noble plum has been placed in the planting hole, the substrate is filled up. The plant should be gently shaken to avoid gaps. Sufficient watering is very important for noble plums right from the start.

» Tip: Those who expect a rich harvest should not neglect to water their plants. A rule of thumb is to water with the garden hose for at least an hour.

Planting plums in tubs - step-by-step instructions

❶ Select planter
❷ Prepare substrate
❸ Water plant
❹ Work in drainage
❺ Insert plant
❻ Fill up substrate❼ Water the plant well

So that the noble plums can also thrive well in the bucket, the planter should not be chosen too small.

» Tip: The noble plum is not really suitable for growing in buckets. This option should only be used as an alternative if the local conditions do not make planting outdoors possible.

The substrate should be chosen particularly rich in nutrients, because the plant has to make do with the nutrient supply in the cramped planter. Since potted plants can quickly become waterlogged and sufficient watering is necessary in any case, drainage in the planter should ensure the soil is pervious. Clay granules or coarse gravel are laid out on the bottom of the vessel. Before planting, the noble plums should be watered well. Don't skimp on watering after planting either. If the substrate is sufficiently supplied with compost and regularly mulched, the noble plum should have sufficient nutrients available in the bucket.