Red plum: recognizing and combating diseases and pests

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Red plums are robust, but if they are not cared for properly, they are susceptible to certain pests and plant diseases. Find out what they are, how to recognize them and how to fight them here.

Although the noble plum (Prunus domestica subsp. italica) is considered to be quite robust and many varieties can also be cultivated well in regions with a harsher climate, the fruit plant is not entirely spared from diseases and pests.

If noble plums are cultivated according to their location and watering requirements, diseases can be largely avoided, because weakened plants are far more susceptible to all kinds of damage.

The following diseases and pests have been observed on the noble plum:

  • Sharka Virus
  • Monilia Peak Drought
  • Plum Roller
  • Bali mite

Sharka virus - fatal danger for plums

The Sharka virus can occur on all plums. There is no disease that German orchardists fear more, because the infestation extends to the entire tree and the Sharka virus cannot be effectively combated.


Initially, the disease can hardly be recognized. In midsummer, the leaves change colour, the shape of which is reminiscent of rings and clouds. The trees are ailing and growing worse than usual. When the fruit ripens, pock-like deformations can be seen on the fruit. Sharka disease is therefore often referred to as smallpox disease. The otherwise yellowish flesh shows reddish discolorations. The plums fall from the tree earlier than usual. The fruits taste slightly bitter and are no longer edible.


If a noble plum is infected with the Sharka virus, there is no salvation. The trees must be felled and destroyed immediately. The occurrence of Sharka disease is notifiable and must be reported to the responsible municipality.

» Tip: House plums are particularly susceptible to the Sharka virus. In the case of noble plums, the varieties Große Grüne Greengage and Graf Althanns are considered to be resistant to the pathogen.

Monilia peak drought - danger for fresh shoots

The MoniliaPeak drought is a fungal disease that first starts in the flowers and then spreads to the young shoots. The trees initially take no significant damage. Since the fungus nests in the fruit wood and overwinters there, trees can suffer from the disease for years. Over time, this weakens the plant more and more until it eventually grows stunted and eventually eventually dies off.


An infestation is visible on the flowers. These open as usual, but begin to wither abruptly a little later. The leaves soon wither. They lose their color and wither rapidly. The shoot tips also die off. The affected parts of the plant do not fall to the ground, but remain on the tree and serve as a place for the fungus to overwinter. In the spring, the cycle starts all over again.


With good care, the Monilia tip drought can be largely avoided. If symptoms of the fungus appear, the affected shoots are pruned generously back into the two-year-old wood.

» Warning: The resulting cuttings must not be composted, but should be disposed of with the residual waste or burned.

Infested noble plums can be treated quite well with biological means. Spraying with a decoction of field horsetail or onion skins has proven effective.

Plum moth - Maggots coming

As apple trees are not safe from the codling moth, the plum moth affects the plum trees. The eggs are laid on the leaves, on the branches and on the fruits. The larvae hatch after three weeks. They overwinter in tree bark or in the ground, only to pounce on the fruit in summer.


This is difficult. The maggots only become visible when the fruit is opened. Plums often fall off the tree prematurely, feeling soft and mushy.


Here the hobby gardener can take preventive action. If a tether made of corrugated cardboard is laid out, the larvae will retreat to it. The cardboard should be renewed weekly. Although the infestation cannot be completely destroyed, it can be significantly reduced.

The gall mite - small and mean

Bile mites cannot be seen with the naked eye. Therefore, an infestation initially goes unnoticed. In order to recognize the infestation as early as possible, the orchardist should equip himself with a magnifying glass and take a close look at the plant.

» Tip: Gall mites spreadespecially in warm and dry weather.


In the case of an advanced infestation, reddish protuberances become visible on the leaves and fruits.


Keeping the soil sufficiently moist not only helps plants grow and thrive, it is also an effective remedy against gall mites, which appreciate a dry and warm environment. In lacewings and predatory mites, the gall mites have natural predators. The use of biological pesticides based on rapeseed oil has also proven effective in the event of an infestation.

Avoid diseases and pests caused by care mistakes

He althy and vigorous plants are less likely to be attacked by diseases and pests.

The following measures serve as prevention:

  • warm and sheltered location
  • nutrient-rich soil
  • Drainage against waterlogging
  • pour enough
  • Water intensively, especially if it is dry for a long time