Gardening in February - Part 2


In February, spring is just around the corner. Now you can start gardening again. A typical gardening job in February is loosening up the vegetable beds.

Slowly getting going
In February, the first cheeky flowers like crocuses or snowdrops stick their heads out of the ground. This is the time when the gardener should slowly get going again. There's a lot to do, especially inside. We have put together 10 tasks for you here that you can complete in February.

Gardening in February

  1. If your daffodils bloomed over Christmas, then the plants need to rest now. Place the faded onion pots in a cool but bright room.
  2. Not long now until the repotting of indoor plants is on the agenda. For this purpose, you should clean old pots that you want to reuse well. The best way to get them clean is to add a dash of vinegar essence to the water.
  3. Flower bulbs that you prepared in autumn can now be placed in the sun. This gives the plants additional strength.
  4. If pests are spreading on the windowsill or in the conservatory, then put in a sauna day. To do this, place the plants in the tub to shower and then cover them with a hood for a day. The high humidity destroys pests.
  5. You can already sow the first flowers at the end of February.
  6. If you have discovered dry stems on ornamental shrubs, you should cut them off.
  7. You can sow lettuce, kohlrabi, radishes and radishes in the heated greenhouse in the second half of February.
  8. Check all antifreeze covers.
  9. In February you can already loosen the soil of your vegetable beds and fertilize with compost.
  10. If the soil is frost-free, you can plant early flowering fruit trees such as currants.