Gardening in February - Part 1


February is actually a winter month. Nevertheless, it can happen that it turns out to be quite mild. Then you can start gardening in February.

Pruning roses
If this is the case, you can already do some work that would otherwise only be possible from March. If February is too cold, then it's better to limit yourself to the rest. If the temperature permits, you can loosen the winter protection from the roses and cut them back nicely. Don't forget to cover the roses again afterwards. Plants that overwinter in the rock garden usually have no problem with the cold, but with the wet. No plant parts should come into contact with the ground. It is therefore best if you scatter some gravel and remove rotten parts.

Tree Clippings and Shrub Clippings
If the hedge is planted too densely, you can now dig up individual plants and plant them elsewhere. If it is frost-free, you can start pruning the trees and shrubs. However, you should not simply throw away the wood that is produced, but integrate it into the garden. For example, you can use it to build a privacy screen. Alternatively, you can also give plants support with the wood. But you can also put the wood in the right light visually.