The exotic orchid tree does not find the best growing conditions in this country. However, planted in a container and under the optimal planting conditions, it can grow into an impressive plant.
Orchids find many lovers. They enjoy the flowers and observe the growth of the plants. It is all the more fascinating when orchids suddenly grow on trees. In fact, the blossoms of the Bauhinia are reminiscent of our fragrant orchid blossoms on the windowsill. Some species of these legumes are even fragrant.
In the tropics, orchid trees decorate gardens and parks. Since the plants originally from Asia are not hardy, the only option in our latitudes is to keep them in tubs. To ensure that the orchid trees develop well and give you a lot of pleasure with their filigree flowers in a few years, there are a few care instructions to follow. Species-appropriate care begins with planting. Read now how to create the ideal growth basis for the orchid tree when planting.
Plant Description
The Bauhinia is a species-rich plant family of evergreen or deciduous trees, shrubs or lianas. Some species have thorns. Some orchid trees are even cultivated as climbing plants.
The orchid tree has alternate leaves, while other species have hairy leaves. The leaf edges are always smooth. Stipules of different shapes and forms may be present.
The flowers appear in racemes, panicles or umbrellas. The showy flowers can appear bell or cup shaped. Orchid trees can flower white, yellow, orange, pink or deep red.
Optimum conditions for the orchid tree
» Location:
The plants, which originate from Asia, are sun-hungry. This should be taken into account when planting. Orchid trees will find it difficult to settle for just a few hours of sunshine a day. Shady places are to be avoided in any case. The plants would wither, the leavesshed and miss their pretty flowers. A big enemy for the orchid tree is drafts. It is therefore essential to choose a wind-protected location.
Coming soon:
- full sun
- light
- warm
- protected
» Substrate:
In relation to the substrate, the orchid tree is quite undemanding. It is important that the soil is strong and rich in humus. The plant does not cope well with poor soil. Growth is reduced and flowering may not occur. When choosing the substrate, it is also important to remember that the orchid tree does not tolerate waterlogging and therefore needs permeable soil.
» Tip: The permeability of the soil can be improved by adding gravel. The water can then drain off better and the roots can grow well.
Coming soon:
- strong
- humos
- loose
- permeable
» Planting instructions:
❶ Determine location
❷ Select plant pot
❸ Prepare substrate
❹ Create drainage in the bottom of the pot
❺ Water the orchid tree
❻ Plant the orchid tree
❼ Press the soil well
❽ Water the plant
So that the plant can develop well, it should be given a sufficiently large planter. The container should be at least 2/3 larger than the root ball. It is also important to make sure there are enough drainage holes in the bottom of the container. If there are no holes in the ground, irrigation and rainwater cannot drain away and waterlogging occurs, which causes the roots to die. To prevent waterlogging, it is helpful to create drainage in the bottom of the planter before filling it with substrate. To do this, place shards of pottery or lava granules on the bottom of the vessel.
The orchid tree should be placed in the planter up to the root neck. Fill with substrate and press the soil firmly. After planting, the orchid tree should receive enough water.
Planting an orchid tree - the most important steps at a glance
Measure | Explanation |
Select planter | • Due to the climatic conditions in our part of the world, orchid trees are only cultivated in tubs • The planter should be big enough to allow the roots to spread and develop well. • Sufficient drainage holes in the bottom of the container are also important so that waterlogging does not occur because the irrigation water cannot drain off. |
Prepare substrate | • Orchid trees are not particularly demanding when it comes to the substrate. • The soil must not be too heavy for the water to drain off. • Heavy soils can be improved by adding gravel can be made more permeable. |
Plant orchid tree | • Before planting, a drainage layer is placed in the bottom of the planter. • This layer of potsherds or lava granules prevents waterlogging. • The plant is then carefully placed in the Set the ground. • The substrate is filled up, pressed down well and the orchid tree is watered sufficiently. |
Cultivating an orchid tree in a bucket
Perhaps you have already admired orchid trees in your tropical home. There, the plants often reach heights of up to ten meters. Here the hobby gardener has to make some compromises. The plants are not adapted to our climate and should therefore not be placed outdoors, even in rather mild regions.
Potted plants will not reach the stated height. Keeping them in the bucket requires meticulous plant care, because the space and nutrients in the bucket are rather small. In order for the plants to grow well and develop optimally, you should primarily pay attention to the following things:
- sufficiently large planter
- enough drainage holes in the bottom of the vessel
- loose and permeable substrate
- sunny and sheltered location
In the summer, the orchid tree can go outside. Slowly get the plants used to the sun's rays, especially after they have moved out of their winter quarters, the plants react sensitively to external stimuli. After a few days in partial shade, the plant can easily be moved to full sun.
Transplanting orchid trees - what needs to be considered?
In their natural environment, orchid trees grow extremely quickly. Rapid growth can also be observed in the bucket and the plants quickly push out of the container. At the latest when the roots are already visible on the bottom of the container or on the surface, it can be assumed that the orchid tree has completely rooted through the plant pot and must therefore be transplanted.
Repotting is a good opportunity to take a closer look at the plant. Stunted roots or overgrown roots can be removed. If desired, pruning can also be carried out as part of the transplanting.
» Time:
The best time to plant the orchid treeto transplant is midsummer, the time immediately after flowering.
» Planter:
The new planter should be a few centimeters larger than the previous planter. If you want to avoid transplanting in the next few years and therefore use a particularly large planter, you will probably be disappointed with older plants. If you give the plant too much space, the roots will do everything they can to regain the plant pot. Unfortunately, this completely natural behavior of the plants is at the expense of the flowering.