The zebra grass is a real eye-catcher in every garden. In addition, it is extremely easy to care for, which is why many hobby gardeners also want to multiply it. There are three different options to choose from.

Zebra grass will quickly become the focal point of any garden. The plant is robust and can bring luck even to novice gardeners. The Chinese reed can convince in many places in the garden. In the vicinity of the pond, in the perennial border or in the tub or balcony box, the ornamental grass with its attractive leaf markings is always an eye-catcher. If you now want to multiply the ornamental grass with its pretty striped pattern in a targeted manner, you have a good chance of creating a decorative eye-catcher in even more places or of delighting other hobby gardeners with the plant. You can now find out what options there are for propagation and how to proceed.
Propagation different possible
The propagation of zebra grass is possible by various methods.
- Division of the root ball
- Root Cuttings
- Sowing
Division of the root ball
❶ Remove the root ball from the soil
❷ Divide the root
❸ Replant the divided root
❹ Transplant the newly acquired root piece separately
Do you have a zebra grass plant that you have been cultivating successfully for several years? Then it's time to divide the root ball and get a new plant. At around three years of age, the plants are well developed and will withstand division of the root ball.
If you cut back the plant in early spring and it has not yet started to sprout, you can divide it.
» Tip: Do not cut back the zebra grass in autumn. The culms remain on the zebra grass over the winter as protection for the plant.
First, dig up the entire root ball. Now you have the opportunity to take a closer look at the root. Dried up or rotten spots should be generously removed. Now the root can be divided. If this cannot be done by hand, use a knife or spade to help. Immediately after the division, a section should go back into theplanting hole are given. Place the new plant created by dividing the root in the desired location.
» Tip: The ground must not be frozen with this type of propagation.
Propagation by root cuttings
❶ Dig up the root
❷ Divide the root several times
❸ Put the sections in a new location
❹ Wait for the budding
Propagation by root cuttings is similar to the division of the root ball just described. For this type of propagation you will have to bring a little more patience.
The roots are also dug up. A piece of root can be cut off with a sharp spade. The separated root pieces are now divided again. There should be at least four eyes on each piece obtained in this way. The root pieces are now placed about ten centimeters deep in the ground at their new location and watered well.
» Tip: Some patience will be required for this type of propagation. Plants propagated by dividing the root ball develop faster.
Propagation by seed
❶ Preparing seeds
❷ Water regularly
❸ Set up the planter brightly
❹ Plant seedlings in planters
❺ Plant zebra grass in spring
First you have to get the right seed. Do you already have zebra grass in your garden and have you managed to get seeds? Then you can of course use it for propagation, but the result will probably bring some surprises. Seeds that you collect yourself are usually not true to the variety. So it takes a bit of luck if the young plants grown in this way have the characteristic stripes.
Play it safe with certified seeds from specialist retailers. Here you can choose the right variety and you are guaranteed to grow the ornamental grass you want.
Of course, there is nothing wrong with direct sowing, but it is advisable to prefer the seeds on the windowsill. To do this, put the seeds in coconut fiber substrate, water it well and keep the zebra grass seeds warm. At an ambient temperature of 25 degrees, germination occurs within 14 days after sowing.
Now continue to keep the seedlings warm and moist. After a maximum of two months, you can prick out the strongest seedlings. If no more frost is expected and the temperatures are constantly above ten degrees, the zebra grass can be planted in the garden. Alternatively, you can put the ornamental grass in the bucketplant or continue cultivating young plants in the flower box over the summer.
Types of propagation with their advantages and disadvantages
Propagation method | Advantages | Cons |
Division of the root ball | ✔ uncomplicated ✔ good guarantee of success ✔ you get fully developed plants straight away | ✘ Plant must be of sufficient size ✘ Root can be damaged |
Root Cuttings | ✔ good guarantee of success ✔ easy to perform | ✘ time-consuming ✘ tedious |
Sowing | ✔ own seeds can be used ✔ cultivation of several plants possible | ✘ time-consuming ✘ own seeds usually not true to variety |
Important questions about breeding answered briefly
❖ How fast will the zebra grass grow?
The plants grow quite luxuriantly, but comparatively slowly. It will probably take at least three years before the stately height of around 1.80 meters is reached.
❖ What is the size of the zebra grass?
When planting, it should be borne in mind that zebra grass requires a lot of space. While a height of about two meters can be reached, the grass also grows about 1.5 meters in width. A solitary position in a sunny piece of lawn is therefore ideal.
❖ When will zebra grass sprout?
The zebra grass sprout between April and May. This depends on the given temperature and site conditions. Keep in mind that the ornamental grass must be cut back before it sprout so that the young shoots are not injured.
❖ What should be considered when caring for young plants?
Young plants should be planted out in a sunny spot. The soil must always be kept moist. It must not come to the occurrence of waterlogging. Spread compost and horn shavings in the soil, then the plants will get all the nutrients they need in the first year.
❖ When does the plant flower?
In general, zebra grass only flowers when it has reached its full growth height, i.e. after about four years. However, the ornamental grass usually does not bloom in our latitudes. After a hot summer, the chances of the brown flower spikes with the silvery shimmering flower clusters showing up in September increase.